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Tablero / Mis cursos / 20EA-IDIO-I7 / Final Evaluation / 2P Activity 2

Comenzado en domingo, 8 de marzo de 2020, 21:08

Estado Terminado
Finalizado en domingo, 8 de marzo de 2020, 21:17
Tiempo 8 minutos 16 segundos
Calificación 9.0 de un total de 10.0 (90%)

Pregunta 1
Correcta Rewrite the following sentence. Replace that with which or who.
Puntúa 1.0
You have to be careful about the punctuation.
sobre 1.0

Is Chelsea someone that likes old-fashioned clothes?

Is Chelsea someone who likes old-fashioned clothes

Pregunta 2 Choose the correct words which complete the conversation.

Puntúa 1.0
sobre 1.0  

A: Did you ____ to eat meat? use 

B: No, I  ____, but I do now. didn't 

Su respuesta es correcta.

Pregunta 3
Correcta Complete the correct relative clause in the conversation.
Puntúa 1.0
sobre 1.0
A: What's Zara?

B: It's a famous store w hich sells trendy clothes.

Pregunta 4
Choose the option which completes correctly the sentence.

Puntúa 1.0  
sobre 1.0
I am a person who  loves trendy clothes.

She loves stores which  have more than one clothing style.

The previous president used  to wear retro clothes.

My English teacher wears flashy  clothes.

Su respuesta es correcta.

Pregunta 5
Correcta who   which  
Puntúa 1.0
sobre 1.0
Choose the correct word which completes correctly the sentence.

Antonio is someone who used to wear glasses when he was a child.

Pregunta 6
Incorrecta Rewrite the following sentence. Replace that with which or who.
Puntúa 0.0
You have to be careful about the punctuation.
sobre 1.0

I don't like the clothes that are trendy.

I don´t like the clothes who are trendy.

Su respuesta es incorrecta.

Pregunta 7
Correcta Write the word which completes correctly the sentence. Do not use contractions.
Puntúa 1.0
sobre 1.0

I did not use to like English but now I do.

Pregunta 8 Complete each sentence with who or which.
Puntúa 1.0
sobre 1.0 1. My friend is a person who
   loves expensive jewelry. 

2. I ike shoes  which

   are trendy.

Su respuesta es correcta.

Pregunta 9
Correcta Complete the following sentence completing the correct defining relative clause.
Puntúa 1.0
sobre 1.0

Fred has a friend w ho used to buy expensive clothes.

Pregunta 10 Complete the following sentence with the correct words.

Puntúa 1.0
sobre 1.0 I didn't use
   to have
   so much time when I was the president.

used has

Su respuesta es correcta.

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