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From the Pastor Dear Church Members and Friends, ‘One January day a few years ago a young man, a stranger, called me at the church where | was serving in down. town Allentown. ‘I need you to tell me about religion,” he said. “What do | need to know?” | spluttered a bit - no one had ever asked me such a blunt question. Then | invited him to stop by the office and tell me more about his quest, and fortunately he agreed. His story was that he had gone to spend Christmas with friends in a small New England town. He himself had grown up never going to church, but he accompanied his friends to Christmas Eve worship. He was enchanted by the candle light worship, and he realized that the worshippers were bonded together in some kind of caring community. This was something he had never experienced before, and he loved being a part of it. He wanted this experience to go on forever. He told me that he worked in a rather sleazy bar in west Allentown, and passed my church every day. Just seeing the prominent building made him think about God, and the purpose of his life. He wanted to experience the joy of befonging to a loving and caring community. | wanted to be the knight in shining amor that would say just the right words to this young man. But | knew that evangelism — the process of hearing and responding to the call of Jesus — has many steps. His visit to me, guided by the Holy Spirit, was just one of many steps on his journey of spiritual awakening. | prayed in my heart that my words would encourage him. I gave him a Bible to keep, and showed him how he could read the short Gospel of Mark and learn something about Jesus. Of course, 1 invited him to come to Sunday worship and | think he did come once or twice. Then the Holy Spirit took him somewhere else, and | hope he found a spiritual home where his faith could grow. Christmas season is a time of extraordinary spiritual power. Ears and minds, deluged by the noise and demands of commercialism, long for spiritual rest. People who feel as if they are judged and valued by what they wear and how much they earn, are intriqued by a Savior who was willingly bor into a working class family. Men and women estranged from abusive families find warmth and comfort in the light filled church family. People who cannot understand why different churches teach different things, find themselves engaged — just for a moment - by the simplicity of the Christmas story. The Christmas season is an opportunity for us to help those people out in the cold, to come in to the warmth of God's love. Invite a friend or a neighbor to come to worship with us on Christmas Eve. Some will continue on their spiritual journey in other ways. Others may find that Longswamp Church is the spiritual home they have been looking for. Let us be teady to welcome those whom the Holy Spirit sends to our door this Christmas season. Through the love that we share may they hear the voice of the Still Speaking God calling them home, In Christian Love, - Pastor Kathy Longswamp United Church of Christ 10:45 am Yforship December 2010 Suoday December 5 Second Sunday of Advent Our Churches Wider Mission Offering Supports Our Overseas Missionaries (see article} Old Testament Reading Isaiah 11:1-10 Lion and the Lamb Gospel Reading: Matthew 3: Preaching of John the Baptist Sermon Hymn: “On Jordan’s Bonk the Baptist Cry.” Sermon: “Peace in our Hearts” Carols: Angels from the Realms of Glory, What Child is This? Congregational Meeting for Elections and to Approve 2011 Budget Food Pantry Items Needed: cereal, peanut butter, jelly, tissues, ish quid. Sundag December 12 Third Sunday of Advent ‘Sunday School Presentation: “The Story of Saint Nicholas” Dedication of Phoebe Gifts Gospel Reading: Luke 1:26-38 & 46-55 Magnificat Carols: It Came Upon a Midnight Clear, Away in a Manger. Food Pantry Items Needed: crackers, tuna, baby formula, toilet paper, toothpaste 9:2-7 ‘The People who Walked in Darkness Gospel Reading: Matthew 1:18 - 25 Birth of Jesus Carols: Angels We Have Heard on High, O Little Town of Bethlehem, I Heard the Bells on Xmas Day, Choir: O Holy Night Food Pantry ltems Needed: macaroni & cheese, spaghetti sauce, canned fruit, bath soap Sunday December 19 Fourth Sunday of Advent Bell Choir Anthem “One Night in Bethiehem” Old Testament Reading Isaiah Friday December 24th Christmas Eve Candle Light Worship & Holy Communion 7 PM Family Worship. 11 PM Bible Readings and Carols Carols include: © Come All Ye Faithful, Silent Night, Joy to the World, The Holly and the Ivy, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Little Drummer Boy, Go Tell It on the Mountain. Demember to iovite all goo family and friends Sundog December 26° First Sunday after Christmas Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 60: 1-12 Kings will be drawn to Jerusalem. . Gospel Reading: Matthew 2: 1-18 ‘The Story of the Wise Men Congregational Carol Sing Food Pantry ttems Needed: rice, canned ‘meat, cookies, shampoo, tooth brush Sunday Janunry 2 Second Sunday after Christmas Ephesians 4:3-14 Blessings in Christ. Gospel John 1: 1- 18 The Word of fe Sermon Hymn: Infant Holy Infant Lowly Food Pantry Items Needed: pancake mix {complete}, pancake syrup, juice, canned vegetables, dish washer powder CONSISTORY CORNER Iam the church. You are the church. We are the church together. Our annual congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, December 5, 2010 following the 10:15 AM worship service. The business we conduct at this meeting is a large part of our preparation for 2011 and beyond. ‘The leaders elected at this meeting, as well as the continuing involvement of people serving on committees, on ministry teams and participating, individually, make our ministry possible. ‘The budget for 2011, which will be considered at this meeting, is an important tool, necessary for us to carry out our ministry. ‘We have just completed our stewardship campaign, through which we received about 45 commitments from members, regarding their time, talents and treasures. ‘These commitments are a foundation for our ministry as we continue our journey. Equally important is that the upcoming meeting is an opportunity for people to ask questions and bring matters before the congregation for discussion and consideration. Bill Thomas, President Consistory Christmas Fund ‘The UCC Christmas Fund is an all church offering for the last 108 years, through this fund the national church gives additional money to our retired pastors and/or their wives who are in need. The fund also gives emergency money to UCC church workers who find themselves in a State of crisis. One pastor, who received a grant from this fund, wrote: "Words cannot express how much this means to us. The financial help is so crucial to our being able to meet our obligations and we are grateful for it! Ann Mabry Miller CHOIR REHEARSALS - As we prepare for the seasons of Advent and Christmas, our weekly choir rehearsals will be held as scheduled on Thursday evenings from 7:30 - 8:30 P.M. Sing the joyous songs of the season with us! December rehearsals will be held on December 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd. NO CHOIR REHEARSAL - The members of the Loft Choir will receive a Christmas gift of TIME. There will be no choir rehearsal on Thursday, December 30th, as we celebrate this festive season! NEXT SCHEDULED SUNDAY TO SING - The Loft Choir will be singing on the following days in December: December Sth (maybe) December 12th (maybe) December 19th December 24th - 7:00 Christmas Eve Service ‘The Loft Choir will not be singing on Sunday, December 26th, THANK. YOU - Thank you to the members of the Loft Choir plus Jenna and Tim Masenheimer and Beverly and Bill Thomas for the presentation of “Litany for a Festive Day" by Jothen on October 31%. Thank you to our Loft Choir members for the Loft Choir anthems in November. Thank you to the Loft Choir for its music for the Veterans Day Service. Thank you to the members of the Thanksgiving Eve Massed Choir for the anthem on Thanksgiving Eve. ‘Thank you to these members for their time and their talents. NEW CHOIR MEMBERS - Welcome to our 2 newest Loft Choir members! Joining our Loft Choir in October were both Mary Beth Weidman and Kayla Freudig. Mary Beth and Kayla have both joined our alto section and have increased our Loft Choir Membership to 11 members! Welcome Mary Beth and Kayla! COMING IN JANUARY. joyous new year! Music for a

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