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Decisions and spiritual guides

November 6, 2006
One of the lessons learned since I met, or had contact with the one I call my main spiritual guide, is that
when it is time to take important decisions, transcendental ones sometimes, our guides leave to ourselves
the total responsibility of doing so and seem to silence temporarily its continuous flow of information so
as not to interfere in our process: to decide.

Deciding is one of the most complicated things in life, maybe not the minor decisions we take every day,
but important changes that could be life changing. In those moments it is when we desperately seek help
from the outside, or inner help, so that the decision is in some way a shared responsibility.

We are afraid to decide important things for ourselves and to be wrong about it, so we resort to Tarot
readings, counselors, our guides, other people, etc., to somehow cover our backs internally: I listened to
the cards, my guides told me to do this, I got this advice from that person and decided to go along with

From a spiritual perspective, those beings whom I call my guides have always been there, always
watching and "suffering" with me, seeing that I was having a hard time at some periods of my life and
that it was taking me an eternity, timely speaking, to make a decision that was going to change my life.
But they don't intervene, they let that we learn the value of taking and accepting the responsibilities for
what we have to do, although they don't stop sending us messages of encouragement and support.

Another thing I've learned is that no matter what decision you make, it will always be right as it is your
decision. Whatever path we choose, they will be with you to help you walk it, just that it will be you who
must decide at every moment what fork to take. It's like a car, it will always take you wherever you want
to go, but you're the one driving the wheel and deciding the way.

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