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bisa kah anda katakan pada saya

bagaimana cara ke....?

bisakah kau memberitahuku di mana ...?
Saya sedang mencari ......, bagaimana saya
bisa kesana?
Permisi, bisakah kau memberitahu saya
jalan ke....?
Asking and Giving Directions in Hospital, Nurses/
Meminta dan Memberi Arah di Rumah Sakit, Perawat
A) Visitor/ Patient
• 1) How to ask for directions
• a) Could you tell me how to get to...?
• b) Can you tel me
• c) Could you tell me how to get to....?
• d) I’m looking for.... how can I get there?
Asking and Giving Directions in Hospital, Nurses/
Meminta dan Memberi Arah di Rumah Sakit, Perawat

2)   How to give simple directions 3) Showing directions
• a) Walk down.... a) Turn left into...
• b) Go along this.... b) Turn right to...
• c) Go up stairs.... c) Go straight ahead...
• d) Until you find... d) Go along this coridor
• e) Then turn right/left....
• f) Take the first turn on the right.
4) Showing a place/ a rooms
• a) It is.............. f) It is at the opposite of....
• b) It is on the left/ right side g) It is at the corner of....
• c) It is of.... h) It is just before...
• d) It is next to.... i) It is just after....
• e) It is near.... j) It is opposite...

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