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Memo To: Dr.

Leslie Bruce
From: Matthew Kim, Shereen Lam, Wesley Kamau
Date: March 3, 2020
Subject: Wolfe’s Model Team Charter

Team Name: Bleaching Atlantis

Logo: A trident-shaped coral with a sunset gradient

Mission Statement: Our mission is to inform and educate the general public (Dr. Bruce and the
class) about the effects of coral bleaching in the Atlantic Ocean.

Broad Team Goals

1. Provide accurate, peer-reviewed evidence and resources on coral bleaching in the
Atlantic Ocean and its implications.
2. To communicate everything clearly and concisely within our group.

Measurable Team Goals

1. Meet personal group deadlines.
2. Make sure all work is equally distributed.
3. Ensure quality work for each part of the project.

Personal Goals
● Matt Kim: Meet every group deadline and improve writing skills.
● Wesley Kamau: Come to every class at 10:00 AM and meet group deadlines.
● Shereen Lam: Improve grammar and meet group deadlines.

Individual Commitment
● Matt and Shereen are willing to put forth a hundred percent contribution and effort
towards the project.
● Matt has family concerns that may affect his contribution to school.
● Wesley is planning to put forth a hundred-percent, but is willing to accept a lower grade
if the contribution is not met.

Other Concerns
● Matt is concerned about how strong his writing skills are because he has never taken an
English class in college.
● Shereen is concerned if she could properly manage her time to dedicate efforts towards
this project and other assignments.
● Wesley is concerned about his work schedule conflicting with participation in class and
the project.
Conflict Resolution
If an issue or conflict arises and is not resolved within a day of respectful communication, then
we will consult a third party for help. We promise to be kind and considerate to each other
through this process.

Missed Deadlines
If a deadline is missed without notification, then the group member will receive a “gentle
reminder” through text message in our group chat. If there is no response within 12 hours from
the group member then the instructor will be notified.

Unacceptable Work
If there is work that is clearly unacceptable or does not meet the assignment requirements, then
the individual will be notified by the other members. The quality of the work will be discussed
with the group, and advice or tips will be given to improve it. If the work continues to be
unacceptable, then the instructor will be notified.
Tentative Project Timeline:

➢ Monday, March 9th: Submit annotated bibliography draft (individual)

➢ Monday, March 16th: Submit annotated bibliography with research question
○ Friday, March 13th: Complete 80% of annotated bibliography
○ Sunday, March 15th: Last checks and prepare for submission
➢ Wednesday, March 25th: Prepare review article draft for class activity
○ Monday, March 23rd: Complete 65% of review article draft
➢ SPRING BREAK WEEK: Prepare couple of powerpoint slides before end of break
alongside working on review article
➢ Monday-Wednesday, April 6-8th: Shareable electronic draft of slides for peer review
○ Monday, April 6th: Review comments and make changes, complete 30% of
research article
○ Wednesday, April 8th: Review comments and make changes, complete 50% of
research article
➢ Monday, April 13th: Presentation slides due at 11:55PM
➢ Wednesday, April 15th: Review article due by 11:55PM
○ Thursday, April 10: Complete 80% of research article, put headings on amount of
slides needed*
○ Friday, April 11: Complete 50% of powerpoint*
○ Sunday, April 12th: Complete 85-90% of powerpoint*
○ Tuesday, April 14th: Complete 85-90% of research article*
○ Wednesday, April 15th: Last checks and prepare for submission

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