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Lee 4 Lingolia Lingolia French German English Spanish Esperanto seach A> Siorem» Panas» Passe onus Grammar > Tenses > verbs > Verbs conjgator > Nouns and Articles > Pronguns > Peesanal Pronauns (Bese Introduction ee Pssessive pronouns indcate possessionbeloning, They agree withthe noun they are modifying. > inerrgate Pranauns > oemensrative ronens > inte Pronouns ase ree se miappeil sleet je cherche men chapeau. Mon apa dt quilyen a un danse placard, maisce > Adjectives est pas lemign ces sin. Ma maman aussi a > Adverbs un chapeau Regarde! Le chien pote lesen. > Prepositions > Sentence structure Vocabulary > Vocabulary Calendar Dependent Possessive Pronouns Dependent possessive pronouns (calle 'adectfpossssfin French) always come before a noun (they ae “éependont” an the noun), Dependent possesie pronouns agree number and gende with the “possession, the roun they re modifying. The purl form s the same for bath masculne and feminine. example: cere man chapeau. Ele cheree san hapa. 2 eel 15 person singular 2nd person sing Sr person singular 15 person plural 2nd person plural 2 parson plural Cad Before a vowel ora silent h, the pronouns ma, ta and sa become men, ton and son. Independent Possessive Pronouns Possessve pronouns (all pronam possessifinFene) stand alone, without an aeeompanying noun. Usual the noun has ready been mentioned inthe previous sentence and snow replaced with the pssesie pronoun, which ages in number ané ‘ender wth the noun. Exam: ce est pas mon hapa est sien > ‘ene wou pas ma up. ste que upeume pte tnne? fi 15 person singular 2nd person sing 3rd person singular 15 person plural 2nd person plural 3rd person plural Exercises les mians les tens les sens les eres les votes les urs les miennes les inns les inne les néves leevtes estes Possessive Pronouns - Exercises possessive Pronouns = mixed eerie Privacy Policy Imprint ER Facebook or ow s FR w

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