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We were assigned the lanthanide and actinide groups on the periodic table.

lanthanides are elements 57-71 and Actinides are elements 89-103. Out of all of the lanthanides
and actinides we chose six of them to research. The elements we chose are Promethium (Pm),
Samarium (Sm), Terbium (Tb), Protactinium (Pa), Uranium (U), and Neptunium (Np). After all
the researching we did we found out that all of these elements are considered to be metals and
they also all have two valence electrons.
Promethium, Samarium, and Terbium are considered to be classified as lanthanides,
and when these elements are at room temperature they are all in a solid state. Promethium is
mainly used as a purpose for research which includes being used in nuclear batteries for guided
missiles, watches, pacemakers, a light source for signals, and as well as many other
possibilities. On the other hand, Samarium is used for infrared absorbing glass as well as a
neutron absorber in nuclear reactors, and to dope calcium chloride crystals used in optical
lasers. The element Terbium is used in the production of electronic devices, a dopant in calcium
fluoride, tungstate, calcium, strontium molybdate, and as a crystal stabilizer of fuel cells. There
are several ways to describe the physical properties of these elements. Terbium has a silvery
white color with a malleable hardness along with the melting point of 1,356°C, a boiling point of
2,800°C, and a density of 8.27 grams per cubic centimeter. Promethium has a silvery white
color with a melting point of 1,042°C, a boiling point of 3,000°C, and a density of 7.2
grams. Last but not least, Samarium has a yellowish color but is hard yet brittle. Samarium
also has a melting point of 1,072°C, a boiling point of 1,794°C, and a density of 7.53
Lanthanides and actinides are similar in many ways but they are different at the
same time. Terbium and protactinium are a good example of this. Terbium and Protactinium
are both silver, but Terbium is silver white while Protactinium is a silver grey. Reactivity is
basically the same way but different. Terbium is reactive to cold and hot water, but
Protactinium reacts with oxygen,water, vapor, and inorganic acids. Terbium is used as a
crystal stabilizer in fuel cells but Protactinium has no practical use due to the scarcity of the
element. While taking the time to research these elements it is known that Promethium is
very scarce and it was also the last rare earth metal to be discovered so therefore its
chemical reactivity is unknown. On the other hand both Samarium and Terbiums chemical
reactivity is known. With Samarium when paired with hot water it reacts faster than when
with colder water. This kind of reaction is the same for Terbium as well. Terbium,
Samarium, and Promethium all have an abundance of interesting facts. Terbium was named
after the village of Ytterby in Sweden and Samarium was the very first element to be named
in honor of a person. Promethium on the other hand was the very last rare earth element of
the lanthanides to be discovered.
Protactinium, Neptunium, and Uranium are considered to be classified as actinides.
Just like Promethium, Samarium, and Terbium these elements are also in a solid state when
at room temperature. Protactinium is a very scarce element so due to this it’s sole purpose
is to be used as scientific research. Uranium is a type of element that has many different
uses. For instance it’s used by the military to power nuclear submarines as well as in
nuclear weapons. Neptunium helps in the creation of Plutonium-238 which is for spacecraft
generators and navigation beacons. Describing the physical property of these elements can
come about in a plethora of ways. Protactinium is a silvery grey color with a melting point of
1,568°C, a boiling point of 4,027°C, and a density of 15.37 grams. Neptunium, on the other
hand, has a silver color with a melting point of 644°C, a boiling point of 3,902°C, and a
density of 20.45 grams. Last but not least, Uranium is a metallic silvery grey with a melting
point of 1,132°C, a boiling point of 4,131°C, and a density of 19.1 grams.
The chemical reactivity of these elements are all reactive with acids. The only
difference is that some elements react more with other things. For example Protactinium
also reacts with oxygen and water vapor. Neptunium reacts with oxygen as well as acid and
Uranium is mainly chemically reactive with just an acid. While searching for interesting facts
we found a few that struck our eyes the most. Protactinium is rare, poisonous and also an
expensive element whereas Uranium is a naturally occurring isotope capable of sustaining a
nuclear fission reaction. Finally, Neptuniums interesting fact is that McMillan, the scientist
who discovered this element, earned a Nobel Peace Prize in 1951 for his discovery.

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