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Teacher and classmates, good night, today we present a dialogue. For this I will introduce
the actors:

Hermes like mom Valery.

Anghelo as dad Jerry

Ivan as the waiter Chiván

And me, like the son.

Eduar: Hey family, let’s go to the new restaurant “THE SAMA LUIS”

Jherardy: Yes father, what a good idea

Válery: What time will we go?

Jerry: We will go in 15 minutes

Válery and Jherardy: OK! Yes

Chiván: Welcome to the eighteen restaurant, here is the menu. What would you like to

Válery: I´d like chicken nugget with salad

Jherardy: For me beef with salad, please

Jerry: Chicken nuggets with salad for me too

Chiván: In a moment. I bring your order… sorry we haven´t got any chicken legs, nor
salad, would you like anything else?

Jerry: I want an arepa

Válery: I want a tuna burger with potatoes

Chiván: OK! Can you wait a moment?

Jherardy: Why?

Chiván: Is that we just started to fry

Jerry: OK!, Thank you


Chiván: Your order is ready, bon appetite

Jherardy: what delicious!

Válery: Thank you waiter!

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