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Published by: Bailee Earwood

Bailee Daily News!!

Who Runs the World? Dogs!
Breaking News today hits the World with a huge change. Starting
November 2020 no longer will humans be in charge of the World and be
President, it will now all be run by dogs. Who made this humongous

change you may ask? The Senate and the House! They
are tired of everyone always fighting about who should be President and
why this person is good or why this person is bad, so they just decided to
give up on people and turn to the only thing they could think of…. DOGS!
Starting in November new bills will be passed about how dogs are no
longer allowed to be on leashes, and they are allowed to go to the park
whenever they may please! More bills will be voted on in November. Now
the big question, what dog will be chosen to be President of The United
States? Well, that is for you to decide. If you know or have a dog that
would make a perfect fit in becoming president contact this number: 1-
(800)-213-dogs to cast your vote. There are already two dogs in the
running; Snoopy and Brian from Family Guy so hurry up and cast your
vote for your new dog President!! You never know, maybe this will be a
good thing for the World.
By: Bailee Earwood
Almost divorce?
Breaking news! Were Homer Simpson and Marge Simpson about to divorce? Everyone on social
media was asking the same question and using the hashtags #HomerandWilm

aisoverparty and #MargedivorceHomernow. The news came in last

night when Homer Simpson was seen with Wilma Flintstone at The Venetian in Las Vegas,
holding hands. A paparazzi took a video of them holding hands and quickly leaving, the video
went viral on Twitter. At the end of the day, it was all a misunderstanding, turns out that Fred
Flintstone was with them at the Venetian Casino. I was able to interview Marge at her house
where she said: " of course I was mad, Wilma is my best friend so when I saw the video I lost it,"
and added that Homer told her he was going on a business trip for two days. Today, Homer
posted a video on Twitter explaining everything where he said, " this is why you can't believe
everything you see on the internet and the video is a complete misinterpretation of what happen
that night, I love Marge too much, and if I ever did something like that you would see me in a
coffin." It turns out they were not holding hands, Wilma was giving Homer a handshake because
they had agreed on a new business plan, they were also planning Marge's birthday surprise, and
Fred Flintstone had gone to the bathroom that is why he was not seen in the video. Everything
was clear out before it became a huge mess, don't miss out on the interview with them on The
Late Late Show with James Cordon next week. By: Isabel Serrano
Published by: Bailee Earwood
Bailee Daily News!!

Could It Be True?
After spending six weeks in quarantine due to Covid-19, The Kardashians were spotted outside.
They sure do look different!

Their butts are deflated, wrinkles on their face and lips are normal size. I thought with all their
money Doctors would have made house calls but with the Governor locking down the state of
California, not even the Kardashians could get this privilege. Here people thought they had
worked out to get their enormous size butt or got implants. Boy where we wrong! Botox and
fillers all around!
Story by: Valerie Marin

We all remember Ye’s iconic MTV music video award speech and mentioned running for
president in 2020. Well now the time has come when we are preparing for a new president, and
Kanye is first in line to winning this election. From his shoe/clothing company to his charity
work, to his Sunday church services. His wife Kim Kardashian is also looking to master her law
career, helping innocent prisoners and getting them out, if you ask me it sounds like a perfect
first lady. There is nothing that can stop him now BUT Taylor Swift is not supporting this action,
she doesn't believe he is president material. Rumor has it she has been talking with high profiled
congressmen to sabotage Kanye’s votes. Will Kanye end up on top? Or will Taylor's long-time
animosity towards him get in his way? By: Jelani Fernandez

Is Ironman Still Alive?

JUST IN—Robert Downey Jr. spotted in one of the filming studios together with the other
Avengers cast—Chris Evans, Christ Hems worth, Mark Ruffalo and Scarlett Johansson, just
to name a few. Marvel Studios is apparently filming a secret movie that is still part of the
Published by: Bailee Earwood
Bailee Daily News!!
ers’ Infinity Saga which is still unknown by the public. From one of our sources, this new
movie will be about the 5-year gap of the movie Avengers Infinity War and Avengers
Endgame. The story will evolve during that period and talk about what the heroes were up
to before it all led to the final storyline. There is still no information on when this will be
aired because of the sudden halt of filming due to the lockdown the virus COVID-19 has
brought the world. Rest assured, expect another jaw dropping movie that will have our
favorite characters up on the big screen!

By: Sarah Esguerra

Rihanna Is Pregnant!
Beloved singer Rihanna has just announced that she is in fact pregnant and you
WON’T BELIEVE who the father is! None other than known rapper Drake. The
pair had been on and off again for MONTHS, according to our source. They
frequently take late night flights to see each other in Drake’s Canadian home. Last
seen screaming at each other in public while promoting a club in Vegas Rihanna
stormed off and things got extra juicy. Rihanna was so angry with Drake that she
announced the pregnancy and father within a single Instagram post captioned “I

guess the champagne got to papa and me. Can’t wait to meet my
babies #no joke” moments after the altercation. Guess Drake isn’t going to be
showing off just one kid any longer as he’s having a set of...TWINS on the way.
When we contacted the artists for an interview their publicists say they will come
forward when they’re ready. Until then I guess it’s up to us to come up with baby
names in the meantime.
By: Molly Cortes

Bachelor Drama!
Published by: Bailee Earwood
Bailee Daily News!!
Things are heating up this week on the bachelor! Brian Griffin, our suave bachelor from Quahog,
has a hard decision to make this week. He has to give out his final rose to one lucky lady. Sara,
Katy, and Tia are our remaining contestants who are competing for our handsome Labrador
writer, the hottest bachelor to ever be on the show! Any of these ladies would be lucky to have
him. As Sara would say, “He’s the whole package.” As we saw last week, Sara will do anything
to win that final rose. For instance, last week she sabotaged Brian and Tia’s one on one date by
sneaking laxatives into their wine. Having to run to the bathroom before dinner is even served is
not how you want your second one on one date to go. We are all sitting at the edge of our seats to

see if this will be the end of Brian and Tia.

By: Kendall Worthington

Season 2 of BIKINI BACHELORETTE BOTTOM, guest starring The
Power Puff Girls, SpongeBob Square pants, and Sandy Cheeks. An
intense season arises when 3 sisters all fight for their dream man, and find
conflict in not only competing between each other, but competing with
one of the bachelor's closest school friends. Who will be next
bachelorette? Tune in on May 15, 8:00 pm Pacific time to find out.
By: Valentina Artale

Mickey and Minnie Mouse divorced?!

Breaking news! Leaked photos of Minnie Mouse caught with Goofy in front of her home in
Toon Town, Disneyland! Not only is Mickey Mouse's heart shattered, but so are millions across
the world. Thousands of children's hearts are broken to pieces. Donald and Daisy Duck are in
despair. No one has seen the group together since. Mickey Mouse is currently filing custody over
Pluto. Employees all over Disneyland are being interviewed and under investigation to get the
truth. Disney channel has confirmed that Mickey Mouse Clubhouse will be postponed until
Published by: Bailee Earwood
Bailee Daily News!!
further notice. How will Mickey ever recover? Who will be the face of Disneyland now? A
mouse or a dog? By: Maisy Mathews

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