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Bottle Water Business Plan In Nigeria 2020/ Feasibility


Bottle Water Business Plan In Nigeria / Feasibility Study

Water as a matter of fact is one of the essential things one can find in life. As a human
being, you actually cannot do without water. In my previous post on pure water Business
plan, I’d share how important water is to the human existence. Water is both used in the
village and in township. There is no class to who uses water. There is a big difference
between a sachet pure business and bottle pure water Business. We have initially shared
a publication on sachet pure water Business plan and today we have another Business
titled Bottled Water Business Plan In Nigeria.

Our Bottled Water Business Plan In Nigeria can be used for Grant Applications, Bank
Loans, Proposal writing, Business Concept Note, Competitions etc. As you may already
know starting a bottle Water Business do require alot of strategic Planning and
systematic execution. With our Bottled Water Business Plan

You can read >>> Sachet Pure Water Business Plan In

Nigeria / Feasibility Study

you will be able to find some answers to some of the

questions that you might having to know about before
starting a Bottle water business in Nigeria.

Are you wondering why bottle Business in Nigeria is so

lucrative? I will tell you as we move on. First if all, water
provision ought to be an essential responsibility of the
government but as we all can see, there are no government policies on ground to help
the case. Moreover, do you trust the government enough to give good, clean and
drinkable water? To get access to clean and a drinkable water in Nigeria, then you ought
to be very careful as to where this water is coming. Now, since clean water is hard to
come by, then it brings us to our subject matter of the day “Bottled Water Business Plan
In Nigeria”. So we will be discussing how can set up a Bottle Water Business Plan In

We will be discussing the sub topic as we move on.

1.How to start a profitable Sachet pure water/ bottled water business in Nigeria.

2.Why you should start the Pure water business in Nigeria.

3.Feasibility Study Sample Pure water/ bottled water business plan and which can be
used for loan applications, grant opportunities and competitions.
4.Equipment / Machines you needed for pure water production.
5.Cost Analysis for starting the business.

In as much as we will be discussing into details on how to start up Bottle Water Business
plan Nigeria, i will also advise that you take out time to purchase our Bottle water
Business Plan for N10,000

Our feasibility studies bottle water business plan in Nigeria contains detailed breakdown
of all that is required in starting and managing a successful bottled water business in


GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank)

Account Name – Ogumka Innocent
Account No – 0153723721

After payment text your name, your e-mail address & payment details to 09066078526
and immediately we will send a copy of the Bottle Water Business Plan in Nigeria to your

Water Takes up about 75 percent of the world surface. Yeah that’s true. And also 50-65%
of the total human mass is also made up of fluid which. Are you also aware that the
brain is mostly made up of water?
With this analysis, we can conclude that man cannot exist or survive without.

There is need to consume good and clean water. Because it will help to maintain good
health. But for the lack of good and clean water, this might ir will surely lead to several
health challenges. Like cholera, cancer, typhoid etc. From the recent report, it’s on record
that 1out of every 10 people in the world lack access to good and drinkable water. If this
is true and it is true that I investing in this business will sure be one of the best thing you
could ever do in your business career. Investing in the business of bottle water
production is a very lucrative Business that could set you up for a lifetime of financial
legacy. Another thing about Bottle Water business is that you don’t only make money
while you have this business but you also providing service to humanity. The provision of
clean and portable water is one of the best Business to venture into in Nigeria because
there is a constant and growing need for bottle water.

You can also read >>> Fruit Juice Business

Plan in Nigeria 2020/ Feasibility study

The most saleable commodity today in

Nigeria, is the Bottle water because
everyone in Nigeria needs water to
survive. The nature of our weather is the
one most important reason why there is a
high demand of table water in Nigeria. With this analysis, you could see why so many
Nigerians are into this business and yet the demand for bottle water is far more higher
than the supply. The essence of this whole idea is to provide drinkable water for
everyone. When you are able to meet the need of people, you have succeeded in making
yourself so so rich.

Despite the fact that Bottle water is a very lucrative and profitable business here in
Nigeria doesn’t mean that it will be advisable that you jump into it. As we will always
advise you, get your feasibility study guide and be rest assured that you have no issues
at all in establishing, starting and administering your business. Before you start your
bottle water Business, you ought to get all your facts regarding your bottle water
Business will give a clear feasibility report on pure water business. Bottle water business
in Nigeria is not a tidous Enterprise to set up. Infact it is somehow very simple and it is
very lucrative. For anyone who wants to set his or her own Bottle water business and
start making a d
Very reasonable money, can easily do this with our rich and up-to-date Bottle Water
Business Plan.

Have you noticed that there is a lot of profits in this business? Do you know how retailers
make daily just selling bottle water on the Lagos main road? So many retailers and
wholsalers have become so much big doing this business. Now, if the aforementioned is
true and it is true, then who do you think makes more money? Of course we know that
as bottle water business person, then you obviously Make far more

Before you go into bottle water business, there are some vital things you will have to
consider. They looksj Production site, which is the land, Production equipment and
machines needed like distillation system, automated form and seal machine, micro
filters, cup filters ultra violet lights etc, Start up capital which is very crucial.

In in a recent report, it was discovered that about of hospitals in Nigeria, actually lacks
good, potable hygienic water; and this is the reason there is an urgent need to make this
business a very serious one? Don’t also forget that bottle water Business in Nigeria is the
most saleable commodity now.

our recently updated Bottle Water Business Plan In Nigeria is compulsory If you you want
make it big in this Water business
























We must not shy away from the truth. Bottle water Business in Nigeria is a very Capital
intensive business to go into. It’s not a children’s play Business at all and that is why we
recommend that you purchase our detailed and recent bottle water business plan that
will guide you as you journey in this new path. Just as it is very intensive, same way the
profit margin is.

Everyone knows how important water is and that is the exact reason why this business is
the best Business to go into at this moment. Currently, the most consumed commodity
in Nigeria today is water and we all know the exact reason for that. The weather
conditions on It’s own is another reason.

The very good thing about Bottle water business in Nigeria, is because of the inexpensive
nature of water
Bottle water for example is sold for N50. It looks expensive but it’s not expensive. This
means that anyone in the street can afford it and in the dry season the demand for
water is always high.
You can also read >>>Nylon and Polythene Bag Production Business Plan In Nigeria 2020

Having a bottle water Business without an approval from NAFDAC, will be counter
productive. The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control
(NAFDAC) as it where, is the Nigerian federal agency under the Federal Ministry of Health
that have been charged with the responsibility of regulating and controlling the
manufacture, distribution, advertisement, importation, exportation, sale and use of
foods, drugs, cosmetics, chemicals and pure/bottle water in Nigeria.

You can bet on Our rich and up-to-date Bottle Water Business Plan which covers all of
the above information and all the important and necessary information which is needed
to start a successful pure water production business in Nigeria.

Our team of experts have objectively analyzed this bottle water Business plan based on
both qualitative and quantitative data

Below are the descrip of Table of Content for Bottle water Business plan:

Business description (Industry description, requirements, business risk & mitigation,

requirement for entering the business).

The Definition of the Market (market segmentation, major competitors, competition


The Product description (equipment/machine, major raw materials,production process).

Organization structure (staff salaries, etc).

Financial management / Analysis

Why Should anyone Start a Bottle Water Business Company In Nigeria

We have seen that there is high rate for the demand for bottle Water in Nigeria. The
reason is that everybody must become thirsty for water at one point of the day. The high
humidity of our weather also, is another factor. We must understand that water is an
indispensable commodity and everybody who exist, have a need for water to live. With
all these and many more reasons are why the bottle water business is very lucrative
business to venture into in Nigeria.

A growing awareness in health consciousness

Health experts have warned us to always stay

hydrated by drinking water, but we must
consciously understand that there is a highly
important reason why must consume only safe
and clean water. Recently in Nigeria, there is a
conscious growing increase in health matters
as people are being more conscious of the
kind of water they drink. Because to stay healthy and avoid ailments borne ailments
such as typhoid, cancer, obesity and also live longer, they ought to consume good and
drinkable water.

growing awareness of the need to protect the environment

We all know that sachet water also known as pure water is one of the fastest selling
products in Nigeria. But I need to tell you that the era of sachet water is gradually coming
to an end. Why did I say this? Because there is a proposed by the government to ban the
production and selling of sachet water, polythene bags and its likes. This is because of
their environmental hazard they are causing. The very purpose for this yet-to-be
implemented law is to combat the growing environmental degradation that is been
caused by these materials, since they are not bio-degradable.

When this proposed law has been implemented, there will be a sharp rise in the demand
for bottled water in Nigeria and who knows, the price might hike up. So why wait? Why
not start and position yourself on the advantagous side now to take advantage of any
arising opportunity in the now or nearest future.

Water, which is the most important raw material for bottled water production is readily
available for free. Once a borehole is drilled and setup, you will have a steady supply of

You will create employment for people

The process of producing bottled water is not a task for one person alone. You will have
to employ people that will help you with tasks like cleaning the containers, operating the
machines etc.

To access funds and more from banks a comprehensive Bottled Water / Pure water
Business Plan In Nigeria must be drafted carefully.

Basic Equipments/machines Needed for Pure Water Business Plan In Nigeria

To set up a pure water company in nigeria, there are some basic necessities that must be
provided for. They include the following:

Automated form and sealing machine water sachet .

Industrial water filters.

Over head tanks/Plastic storage water tanks

Micro filters and Cup filters

Water borehole

Ultra Violet lights.

PRODUCTION MATERIALS NEEDED for Pure Water Business Plan In Nigeria.

Nylon bags (Automated)

Packing bags.


Production staff.

Administrative staff.


Start Up Capital Requirement for Pure Water Business Plan In Nigeria

The scale on wish you want to operate or open a bottle water business, will determine
the basic start up capital for pure and bottle water production company in Nigeria. For a
large scale bottle water business plan, you will need a very big Capital. But for a small
bottle water Business plan, a low intensive capital will do. Please remember that a small
scale bottle water business is definitely different from a large scale bottle water
production company in Nigeria

We have a very recent feasibility study on Bottle water Business in Nigeria. For example,
a small scale bottle water production business with a capital of about 5million Naira and
with an average production capacity of 1000bags of bottle water shift you are sure to
make a profit of least One million Naira every month after expenses.

Then for the large scale bottle water production will require a start up capital of between
10-20million Naira and are also sure making at least 2-3million Naira on monthly basis.
This is so true.

Our feasibility studies bottle water business plan in Nigeria contains detailed breakdown
of all that is required in starting and managing a successful bottled water business in


GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank)

Account Name – Ogumka Innocent
Account No – 0153723721

After payment text your name, your e-mail address & payment details to 09066078526
and immediately we will send a copy of the Bottle Water Business Plan in Nigeria to your


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