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The Roadrunner

Bimonthly Publication of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club — Jan/Feb 2006



There’s no other place like it in California. 270,000 acres of land owned by one corporation and sitting at the
crossroads of the Sierra Nevada, the South Coast mountain ranges, the San Joaquin Valley and the high desert.
Mountain lions, deer and more threatened species live on the land while the imperiled California condor soars
overhead, on the lookout for roosting and feeding opportunities.
If you haven’t guessed yet, these 270,000 acres are Tejon Ranch, spread across the Tehachapi Mountains and
arcing north to the Sierra.
Widely acknowledged as the CROWN JEWEL OF UNPROTECTED PLACES in California, the ranch is at
risk from development by its corporate owner. Our vision for the ranch is to preserve its wildness and ensure
that it continues to provide an irreplaceable linkage among key ecological regions in California. The vision of
the corporation that owns Tejon Ranch is to build a number of developments that will either harm or put at
increased risk the natural values of the land. The avowed goal of the corporation is to make Tejon Ranch the
Irvine between Santa Clarita and Bakersfield as well as a trucking hub for goods transportation from the ports of
Los Angeles and Long Beach to northern California and beyond.
In addition to the obvious detrimental impacts on the land, the Tejon Ranch corporation’s REFUSAL TO
REVEAL ITS LONG-TERM PLANNING for the entire 270,000 acres and to share with the public its data on
wildlife and plant species on the land has further raised the level of alarm about the ultimate fate of the ranch.
A PROPOSED DEAL brokered by the Trust for Public Land would secure the protection of 100,000 acres
on the property, almost entirely in the mountainous center of the property likely to be at least risk of
development. Again, a lack of public disclosure regarding the scientific rationale of the proposed boundaries of
the preserve has made it difficult to judge the proposal’s merits. Since the deal would require about $100
million in public funds, the residents of California need a more forthcoming presentation before financial
decisions are made.
What was purposely left out of the proposal includes important habitat on the San Joaquin Valley floor, the
grasslands on the southern part of the property, and Bear Trap Canyon, an important wildlife linkage in the area.
Several projects have been proposed that would affect all three of these areas, and it is unknown what else may
be proposed by the corporation.
would leap far beyond the sprawl of northern LA County and potentially dump thousands more cars on
Interstate 5. In Kern County, the Tejon Ranch Corporation has been given approval to build more warehouses
on the valley floor near the looming IKEA transfer facility familiar to motorists heading south on the 5 before
entering the Grapevine.
The most recent proposal in the Kern County portion of the ranch is the 4,000 UNIT SUPER LUXURY
development proposed for the area around Castac Lake, a natural lake on the ranch. The development, dubbed
“Tejon Mountain Village,” is in the midst of historic and critical habitat for the condor that is currently used by
this endangered species. In fact, the corporation is seeking a “take” permit from the federal government that
would allow the harming or killing of condors and loss of habitat. In a recent press release, the Center for
Biological Diversity reported that “the company has filed suit in federal court to try to eliminate protections for
the California condor and limit the condor reintroduction program. In February of 2003 a hunter illegally shot
and killed a reintroduced condor on Tejon Ranch during a hunt sponsored by the ranch.”
The Sierra Club, Center for Biological Diversity, South Coast Wildlands Project and the Conservation
Biology Institute submitted comments on the notice of preparation for the environmental analysis of the luxury
resort development, which would provide second and third homes for the very rich and do nothing to address
legitimate housing needs in the region.
EXPECTED SOMETIME IN EARLY-MID 2006. It is unclear how smooth the sailing will be for the project,
which is in County Supervisor Michael Antonovich’s district. The unprecedented scale of the project and its
significant distance from existing development in the county are a direct challenge to any efforts by the county
to constrain sprawl and reduce our region’s dependence on automobiles.
While Tejon Ranch claims that Centennial will be a self-sustaining development with a mix of residential
and commercial development, there has been no commitment to delay approvals of housing until tenants have
been nailed down for the commercial zones.
There are already DEEP CONCERNS ABOUT TRAFFIC IMPACTS to the Santa Clarita area and the San
Fernando Valley from the continued boom of housing in the Antelope Valley, the building of Newhall Ranch,
and other developments in the area. The Centennial project and increased truck traffic to Tejon Ranch
warehouses would aggravate an already bad and worsening situation.
Sierra Club volunteers are working with other organizations like the Center for Biological Diversity to try to
find a better solution for protecting Tejon Ranch. There are two quick actions you can take to help now.
By Bill Corcoran, Sierra Club regional staff
TAKE ACTION. Write Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Anotonovich and express your concern about the
enormous Centennial development in northern Los Angeles County. Leapfrogging far beyond established communities, the Centennial
development will increase air pollution, dump more traffic on Interstate 5 and cause the loss of rare grasslands.
Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich, 869 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
500 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Write California Fish and Game Director Ryan Broddrick and express your opposition to the Tejon Mountain Village
development. Director Broddrick’s department will be reviewing how the elite luxury development will harm California condors and
other wildlife. Mention that much of the project area is designated critical habitat for the condor and that much of the area, including
Bear Trap Canyon contain irreplaceable wildlife habitat and linkages wildlife need for their long-term survival.
Ryan Broddrick, Director, Dept. of Fish and Game, 1416 Ninth Street, 12th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814


One Permanent Injunction Is Joined By Another to Halt Logging Of Large Sequoias.
Sequoia National Monument logging has been stopped for now by TWO permanent injunctions. In the Nov.-
Dec. issue of the Roadrunner we told you that the judge agreed with the complaint which stated that the original
environmental assessment was outdated and lack of high prices for timber was no excuse to postpone
lumbering, expecting automatic permission at a later date. A second injunction was issued for basically the
same reasons in regards to the Saddleback lumbering proposal. There is as yet no definite date set for judicial
hearings. We owe many thanks to those who are watching these activities so carefully and taking action as
All of these priorities were adopted by the national Board with a clear understanding that the Sierra Club’s
major challenge for the next several years is not to influence short-term environmental policy, but to shape
long-term public sentiments and to regain power for environmental values. This is an agenda for rebuilding our
influence; we do not expect to see major federal policy shifts in the next few years.
The three new Conservation Initiatives are
These are our organization’s building priorities for the next five years: 1. seek new allies and build
coalitions; 2. create media visibility; 3. bring people together to take action; and 4. advocate for solutions.
What do you think? What are your ideas? What can you, are you willing to do?

I received an email from a friend in Washington DC which included a long list of civil servants and
administrators who have left or been demoted by the present administration because of positions they have
taken against current policies. Among them was James Zahn, microbiologist with the Agriculture Department’s
Research Service, who, according to this communication, “resigned when pressured not to publish his study of
bacteria in industrial-style hog farms and forced to cancel public appearances on health impacts of industry
In the same month there was a letter in the “Community Voices” column of the Bakersfield Californian by
Ed De Boer, who operates Soil Health, a company which promotes organic farming. Mr. De Boer contends that
there are reliable data which tell us that genetically engineered food crops result in more pesticide and herbicide
spraying than ever, with the long term effect of depleting the soil on which those crops are grown.
Within a few days, the Los Angeles Times reported that the FDA, in its attempt to lessen the threat of Mad
Cow Disease in cattle, “will prohibit some cattle parts in food for poultry and pets, but will allow others.” The
“others” were not defined. Even assuming total faith in the FDA, there may be some nervousness on the part of
citizens over such news as this. When Mathew Scully visited a factory hog farm in North Carolina to gather
material for his book, “Dominion”, he saw first hand the condition of the animals there. Discounting the terror
and agony the animals suffer, and thinking only of the health of human consumers, it may be instructive (just
this once) to quote him: “Sores, tumors, ulcers, pus pockets, lesions, cysts, bruises, torn ears, swollen legs
everywhere.” No doubt this is related to what James Zahn wanted to tell us.
In the light of such information, consumers are beginning to make some thoughtful decisions. Heretofore for
many of us, our grocery store was the trusted main source of most food for the table. Now more and more
shoppers are visiting local farmers’ markets. They are discovering whole foods markets where they can be
assured, among other things, that the bread they buy is made of organically grown grains. Some are reducing
the amount of meat in their diets, even dropping red meat entirely and buying only poultry that has been
certified as free-range, and having been fed only organic grain. They are switching from dairy products to soy-
based foods, and buying eggs that are guaranteed to have come from free-range, organically fed chickens.
Besides these encouraging changes, there is the good news of a growing family farm movement in the United
States, as well as in other parts of the world, led by such people as George Naylor, president of the National
Family Farm Coalition, Fred Kirschenmann, director of the Leopold Center of Ames Iowa, and Gary Grant of
the Black Farmers’ Organization in North Carolina. They and others have organized to support small farmers
and help promote the growing market for their foods. They warn us, though, that such labels as “organic” and
“free range” can be deceiving and still given out by corporate farms making minimal changes. “Caveat emptor”
remains the watchword of the day. Happy hunting! Ann Williams

Kern-Kaweah GROUP NEWS

REQUIRED READING: Everyone is welcome, Sierra Club members and non-members, to join in any of the outdoor activities.
Requirements: You must be in condition for type of hike, equipped appropriately for the activity, and prepared to sign a Sierra Club
release from liability. You must be willing to follow leader’s directions. Unprepared for the prospective hike? It will be a no-go for
you. Let the leader know ahead of time that you are intending to participate. Customary appropriate equipment includes good hiking
shoes, plenty of water, snack, sunglasses, suntan lotion, layered clothing. Long pants recommended. All events are subject to change.

Buena Vista Group More info? call Donnel Lester, 661.831.6784

Sincere thanks to Glenn Shellcross for all his efforts to make the Buena Vista Group a reality. We are
continuing on. To do so, YOU must vote for new officers. See p. 7 for the cut-out ballot with simple
directions for marking and mailing. Please do it now!
TUESDAY CONDITIONING HIKES. 7 PM 4–5 miles. Corners of Highways 178 & 184. Gordon
661.872.2432 or Larry 661.873.8107 (KK Chapter)
Monthly breakfast programs will be held on the first Saturdays of each month. Saturday, January 7th and
Saturday, February 4th. 8:30 AM is the meeting time at the Jungle Café, located at 700 Truxtun Avenue (at the
Hill House, across the street from the Beale Library).The topics have not yet been decided. The program is free;
if you wish to eat breakfast, the cost is $6.00. For more information, contact Jennifer Randel at 661.324.5903.
Highway clean-up program. We hope we can continue, but a person with a current first aid certificate is
needed to make this possible. Are there any volunteers out there with this qualification or who are willing to
take the American Red Cross class? Call Donnel.

Condor Group More info? call Ches Arthur, 661.242.0423. Pine Mountain Club.
Feb 4 (sat) Pacific Crest Trail through the eyes of Dave Koskenmaki, a local Sierra Club member who made
the entire trek from Mexico to Canada this past summer. Potluck 6 PM, Program 7 PM. Pool Pavilion Room,
PMC Clubhouse.
There will be no official hikes these two months due to uncertainties of the weather. Hikes will start again in
This group has been focusing on proposed developments of Tejon Ranch Corporation (see article for details)
as well as instituting a suit against a project for extraction of water from the Gorman Hills. We are up to our
ears in conservation concerns.

Kaweah Group More info? call Pam, 559.784.4643 or Diane, 559.781.8897.

The Kaweah Group is located in Porterville. It also includes the communities of Camp Nelson, Springville, and
Lindsay. The Group’s focus has been on preserving the Sequoia National Forest and National Monument and
monitoring activities that affect the forest as well as dealing with Deer Creek.

FIRST AID—Sierra Club says hike leaders must be certified

and you know —it would be good for all of us to know the basics. Bakersfield Red Cross offers a course every
Thursday, 10 to 12, followed by a break, starting again at 2 and finishng at 4. Congratulations to Jim Nichols
of the Owens Peak Group, who already has his certification renewed (He was an INSTRUCTOR at one time),
so now the rest of us must get going and earn our certification also.

Mineral King Group Visalia. More info? call Kim Loeb, 559.798.1764 We’re on
theWeb! See us at:<>mineralking
Group Ex Com meets 4th Monday monthly. All SC members welcome. Call 559.739.8527 to attend.
Check Min. King Group Website for updates and/or send in your address for regular updates: http:// or call phone number listed above.
January. We will be having First Aid and CPR training to qualify for leading outings. Contact: Joanne Dudley:
Jan 27 (fri) 7 PM. Film: “Kilowatt Ours.” Learn how you can save hundreds of dollars annually on energy
bills—while helping to combat asthma and global warming. Free. Tazzaria Coffee House, Visalia.
Dinner Socials in Visalia: To RSVP, contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or Welcome to all,
members and non members
Jan11 (wed) 6:00 PM Keo Thip Thai Restaurant, on Murray, in Visalia
Feb 8 (wed) 6:00 PM Alejandra’s Mexican Restaurant on Main Street, downtown Visalia.
Executive Committee Meetings. All Sierra Club members welcome
Jan 30 (mon) 5:30 PM Dinner and Ex-Com Meeting at Baker’s Square Restaurant, Mooney Blvd., Visalia. All
members welcome.
Feb 27 (mon) 5:30 PM Dinner and Ex-Com Meeting at Baker’s Square Restaurant, Mooney Blvd., Visalia. All
members welcome.

Owens Peak Group More info? call Dennis Burge, 760.375.7967, Jim Nichols, Hikes
760.375.8161 email: Meets in Ridgecrest, Maturango Museum
Jan 21 (sat) 7:30 AM Upper Centennial Springs Petroglyph Site (Just S of Lower Centennial Flat,
max 6490 ft, 300 ft gain, 4.5 mi RT (with optional viewpoint peak, 7750 ft, additional 1500 ft gain,
additional 4.5 mi RT)) We will have an easy hike, 300 ft gain and 4.5 mi RT, to the nice collection of
petroglyphs in the vicinity of Upper Centennial Springs. For those wanting more exercise and a peak to
claim, we can bag a nice lookout 1500 ft and 4.5 mi RT above the Springs. There will be good
opportunities for petroglyph photography and stunning views of the Coso Range from the viewpoint.
This will be a hike anyone can enjoy! Easy or moderate, with the optional viewpoint, due to distance.
Meet at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. For more information, call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or
Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161.
Jan 23 (mon) 7:30 PM Student Conservation Association (SCA) speakers will tell us about their
work in the local area. Maturango Museum. For more info. contact Dennis.
Feb 25 (sat) 7:30 AM Climb To The Big Ram Mine (Between Thibaut and Sawmill Creeks, NW of
Independence, 7250 ft at top, 1700 ft to 2400 ft gain, 7.5 mi RT) We will climb the amazing mine road
to the Big Ram mine, hanging precipitously on the east face of the Sierra. The mine site offers the only
good view of mysterious Black Canyon, an otherwise inaccessible, steep, and spooky looking chasm.
The old mine road provides the only access to the Sierra from the Sawmill Creek trail to Sawmill Pass to
the North to the Oak Creek trail to Baxter Pass to the South. We may do a little ultraviolet prospecting to
verify that the Big Ram mine was a tungsten claim. The altitude gain varies depending on which nearby
roadhead is open. Moderate due to the altitude gain. Meet at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. For
more information, call Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161.
Feb 27 (mon), 7:30 PM Views of Antarctica Jean Bennett will present a slide program on her trip to
Antarctica. Maturango Museum. For further info contact Jean at 760.446.4339.


I’ve always been fascinated by the coordination that our volunteers exhibit in getting an issue of the
Roadrunner mailed out to you every other month. We would love to have newsletters every month but
found the costs of printing were making a heavy impact on our budget.
Text and printing: Mary Ann Lockhart spends many hours organizing the publication by contacting
those folks who supply articles and stirring up our outing leaders to schedule hikes. When she has
completed her editorial work she sends it to the printer in Bakersfield.
Mailing: After it is printed, one of our mailing team secures copies from the printer in downtown
Bakersfield. I thank Marisa Albridge, who prepared the printed Roadrunner this year for mailing and
sorting. Over 1600 copies are sorted by zip code with the assistance of a few helpers such as her
husband, Ray Albridge. For 2006 we’ll have Michelle Hoffman and Ann Williams return to handle
labeling and preparing the issue for the bulk mailing facility here in Bakersfield. After the mailing,
Monte Harper, Arthur and myself distribute copies to local merchants, the Group Chairs, and Kern
County Library Addresses. Many of our members move to new homes, and the only way we know
about it is through returned mail to our Post Office Box. Andy Honig has tended the box for many years
and notifies the National Sierra Club of those members who failed to put in forwarding notices. You
would be amazed at how many newsletters are returned by the Post Office after the summer months.
Each returned piece of mail is charged to the Chapter and it makes some work in order to forward or
discontinue mailing, so please let us know when you are planning to move.
Other volunteer needs: We’re always seeking outing leaders to lead hikes, especially on weekends.
You do need a First Aid certificate and some experience going with experienced leaders to familiarize
yourself with our expectations.
Many of our conservation projects seem not to have the same level of volunteer support as the
Roadrunner. We attempt to break down some of the tasks so that they are not overly time consuming.
You can write a letter adapted from a sample letter, spend a few hours at a City Council hearing in the
evening, attend a Board of Supervisors meeting during daytime hours, or write a letter to the editor
about your views on the enviro topic of your choice.
Just give me a phone call at 661.323.5569 or call any of our officers and we’ll gladly put you in
contact with an activist who needs assistance.

LeConte Memorial Lodge Volunteer Opportunities

Several of our Chapter members volunteered at LeConte Memorial Lodge in Yosemite last summer!
They found it to be a fun experience, enabling Club members to welcome visitors from all over the
world. If you are interested in finding out if you have what it takes to volunteer at LeConte Memorial
Lodge for a week during the 2006 season, see this web page: volunteering.asp CONTACT: Dr. Bonnie J. Gisel,
Curator, 209.372.4542; 209.403.6676; leconte.

Kern Kaweah Chapter Excecutive Committee

(Call Chair to double check specific information on meeting times and places listed.)
Sun January 29, 11:30 AM Sun March 5, 11:30 AM
Unger’s home, brown bag lunch

Members of your 2006 Executive Committee

Lorraine Unger (Bksf), Chair, 661.323.5569; Harry Love (Bksf),Vice-chair; Ara
Marderosian (Kernville), Secretary. Ches Arthur (PMC), Richard Garcia (Visalia),
Stephen Montgomery (Bksf), Gordon Nipp, (Bksf) Georgette Theotig (Tehachapi),
Arthur Unger (Bksf)

All Sierra Club members are welcome to attend these meetings.

JAN 14 (sat) Southern Regional Mtg Of California Nevada Regional Conservation Committee. Los
Angeles Chapter Office, Los Angeles. 10 AM. Call Ungers for more info. 661.323.5569
JAN 14–16 (sat–sun) Tamarisk Removal Service and Carcamp, Surprise Canyon: Flash floods have
nurtured a blanket of tamarisk seedlings which must be hand pulled before they mature. Join BLM staff
in eradication efforts. Bad attitude toward tamarisk required. See this beautiful, recovering desert
riparian canyon. Talk of 1870’s Panamint City, ‘49ers trek across the Panamints, Briggs gold mine.
Recreational hike on Sunday. Leader: Bob Ellis. Information and reservations: Sue Palmer, 32373 W
Saddle Mtn Rd, Westlake Village, CA 91361, (818.879.0960), (SF Bay
Chap/CNRCC Desert Com) Desert Committee Hike. Further Listings: Contact
MAR 18–19 (sat-sun) Statewide meeting of California Nevada Regional Conservation Committee
San Luis Obispo



Volunteer opportunities at Windwolves Preserve. Help plant trees, clear brush, and
more. Call Dave Clendenen at 661.858.1115.

Yes, I want to join the Sierra Club. Check

1. Join Sierra Club California’s Legislative Action
City State Zip Network at:
Check 1: 2. Join the National Sierra Club Action List. Go to
Intro $25 Sing $39 Joint $47 Send to Sierra Club Home Page for directions. 3. Join the
Sierra Club, PO 52968, Boulder, CO 80322 local Action List. Call Art Unger to sign up,
F94Q W 6000-1 661.323.5569.

John Muir In Global Perspective. The focus of the 2006 California History Institute
will be “John Muir in Global Perspective.” High-
Conference Topic lights of the conference will include a preview of
MARCH 31 - APRIL 1, an exhibition on naturalist John Muir which will
University of the Pacific include paintings and related papers. Harold Wood
of the Mineral King Group has been deeply in-
University of the Pacific’s John Muir Center will volved in the planning of this conference and will
host a conference at the Stockton campus of Uni- also be presenting a section on “John Muir in
versity of the Pacific on March 31-April 1,2006. India” at this conference.

Want to contact Roadrunner?

Mary Ann Lockhart 661.242.0432

The Roadrunner
Return Service Requested
Send to PO Box 3357
Bakersfield, CA 93385

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