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SkyPark project initiative is being developed by a couple of friends who love extreme games, hang
out with friends and family but above all living life. So they`ll carry out remodeling of the land
located behind the Museum of Modern Art thus creating an open-air attraction where people of
all ages can enjoy this megastructure.

The project seeks to unify various concepts such as a skate park, graffiti zone, food zone, pet
friendly, among others… In this way we expect assistance from many population groups which can
enjoy the variety of meals in the food area, the pet litter, also you`re gonna have shower and
access to lockers. All this in order that they can enjoy all the comfort and easiness. This scene has
never been seen before in the city and we hope SkyPark will host no only local residents just like
people who want to enjoy the scene, for that we trust in the great reception by society who will
create exponential popularity for SkyPark. For the graffiti lovers we have a space in the SkyPark for
them, the park has some murals avalibles to paint on them, it’s free, we just want to give spaces
for the urban artists. The graffitis will be on the murals one week, and then we will paint the
murals to cover the graffitis to provide more opportunities to other artists.

In order to reduce the prejudices that we could generate, we will make an announcement where
local resident would have priority to win an exclusive and well-equipped store and every year they
will be raffled again, so we are generating employment opportunities for many families equally
and the community will benefit from this too.

SkyPark is going to be a non-profit and self-sustaining project so each shop must pay a small
monthly fee, like this we could cover expenses such as maintenance for damages and
deterioration of the property, cleaning the area to provide quality service and private security who
will protect the visitors and will not allow the presence and access of street vendors thus we
support our own vendors and stores, also impact in safety and drug addiction issues that are still
important to nearby residents and businesses.

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