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In capitalist states different kinds of taxes are applied.

Income tax, value added tax (vat), road tax, property tax and so on..
For example a couple with 5 kids will need to pay an income tax
of +- 30 % and have no savings on the side.
Within Islam there is no vat, income tax, property tax or road tax.
Muslims need to pay 2.5 % of their unused wealth and assets while non
Muslims male pays an amount called jizyah if he is able to pay which in
return the state provides safety, basic needs and other public services.
Amount of Jizya is mostly far more less than the zakat most Muslims pay,
but they are allowed to pay the same rate of zakat if they want.
Current days we know the 1% of world's population owns more than the
99% all together. Just imagine if they pay 2.5% of their zakat or jizya.
It would solve world poverty easily for several year.

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