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Function Create a copy of part of a string or an array System unit

1 function copy ( Source : string; StartChar, Count : Integer ) : string;

2 function copy ( Source : array; StartIndex, Count : Integer ) : array;


The copy function has 2 forms. In the first, it creates a new string from part of an existing string.
In the second, it creates a new array from part of an existing array.

1.String copy

The first character of a string has index = 1.

Up to Count characters are copied from the StartChar of the Source string to the returned string.

Less than Count characters if the end of the Source string is encountered before Count characters
have been copied.

2.Array copy

The first element of an array has index = 0.

Up to Count elements are copied from the StartIndex of the Source array to the returned array.

Less than Count elements if the end of the Source array is encountered before Count elements
have been copied

Example code : String copy

Source, Target : string;

Source := '12345678';
Target := copy(Source, 3, 4);
ShowMessage('Target : '+Target);
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Target : 3456
Example code : Array copy

i : Integer;
Source, Target : array of Integer;

SetLength(Source, 8);

for i := 1 to 8 do // Build the dynamic source array

Source[i-1] := i; // Remember that arrays start at index 0

Target := copy(Source, 3, 4);

for i := 0 to Length(Target) -1 do // Display the created array

ShowMessage('Target['+IntToStr(i)+'] : '+IntToStr(Target[i]));
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Target[0] : 4
Target[1] : 5
Target[2] : 6
Target[3] : 7

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