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Ingles II

Task 2 - Writing Production

Presentado Por:
Jonathan Lombana Bernal

Presentado a:
Ingrid Milena Tatis

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Escuela de ciencias básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería
Bogotá D.C.
Marzo de 2020

You must attach the 4 screenshots after being posted on the forum.
- The ten sentences in future factual conditional.

1. If I wash my hands, I will prevent it

2. If I don't stay home, I'm going to get sick
3. I must drink plenty of water, if want to avoid getting sick
4. if I put the time right, I can deliver everything on time
5. I will wake up early if want to send an email
6. if I want play in the afternoon, I will do my activities in the morning
7. If I do the collaborative activity, I will have an excellent grade
8. If I study hard, I will be a great engineer
9. I can go to the beach if you have money
10. If you do your homework on Friday, you will go dancing on Saturday

- The text with ten phrasal verbs.

Last Friday I was sick, I called my boss to tell him I would be working remotely.

That day I turned on my laptop and the first thing I did was open the news page and logged in to
twitter, then I reminded myself that I needed to focus and quickly logged out.

Since I was not going to go to the office, I called off a meeting that I had planned with my boss and
I sent him a text message to remind him that I worked at home.

Then I managed to do a little work before my friend called back to tell me she would drop by in an
hour for a beer.

I went to my kitchen only to find out that I had no beer, so I put on my coat and went to the
nearest store.

When I go back home I understood that there would be no possibility for me to get around to

working, my friendgir l turned up minutes later and we spent hours chatting over tea and sweets.
- The screenshot of the feedback to your partner.

- Individual work evidences

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