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Boys and Girls, I remember that we were talking about last relation of flying in Philosophy. 10
year-old also said that human beings enjoy this idea of sometimes staying at their side.

As we were talking about here, we are trying to recall that, it is a very English thing for a batch
of two. Open our books on page 78 and 79 and that´s it. Now, we were the first living creatures
in Antarctica. Anyway, were they birds? Well, so the birds were not the first living creatures to
fly, were they? Now, look at this first part of the text on page 78. Have a look and tell me the
first animals to fly were insects, well before birds there were insects that flew and that´s a
good thing to know. Now, three million years ago,

Any volunteers?

That is a good idea

Ok, so guys, well. You know, as I was saying. So, guys, as we were reading now, there is a new
recent theory that is the Occam structures originally supported that were insects, ancestors
that moved in the water. Over time, the structures became larger and stronger; they turned its
wings at the first moment that insects jumped and then flied, eventually insects were able to
flap their wings and fly. So, guys, listen, ah, what does this short part of the text tells us? How
what? Ah and how insects really appeared? So, that´s the point, now, ah, well, what´s the
meaning of these words? What is the meaning of the word “evolve”?

And, now, look guys, and then we are going to evolution. What´s evolution? Now, look at the
adjective, evolutionary means what? Guys, listen. Now, there is a very famous writer or a
scientist that is a writer that is responsible for developing the theory of Evolution. Who was it?
Charles Darwin, you know? So, guys listen very carefully, the scientist Charles Darwin. He was
born in Britain and he first cursed University in Cambridge. So, Charles Darwin wrote his book,
the Revolution of Species, what he did in order to observe that we, as species, we develop, we
evolve ? What did he observe there? Well, first of all, we observe that. So we observe the
species, that´s the first point, and then we try to compare the species, once we should learn to
see that how regular means came out to, and where we came from, like what the first species
were, where the first things were developed, which species are less developed, and of course,
you also use a lot of cartography that is, so he travelled to a lot of countries, including Brazil
and that´s it.

As my students, do not say Darvin, but Darwin. Charles Darwin. From now on, always talk
Darwin. Now, ok, cues. We´ve talked about the verb “evolve” and we also used the verb
“here”. So, what´s the meaning of the word develop?
Well, pray tell you that development is “desenvolvimento” and then I tell you that I came up
with the word “under development” what does that mean? “sob desenvolvimento” ?

Guys, listen.

These are the nouns, and how do I say “desenvolvido”? Developed. And how do I say, “sub-
desenvolvido”? How do I say : “ Esta pesquisa está em desenvolvimento” ?

On development.

So, cues. Where do we observe that, from one single word developed completely out of the
family of words that have one, two, three, four, five words with more, so, from one single
word? Listen and pay attention, so developing is “em desenvolvimento”. So, guys, what´s the
meaning of this word here ? That´s the most important word, that´s it. Eventually means
finally, do not forget about it. Eventually, in English, means finally, “eventualmente” in English.
Just a question, what´s the meaning of clap ? “Bater asas” and guys, that´s it. I will ask you one
more time, how do you pronounce this word ? “ancestor”


Good morning, further on page 74, you may find, well, the carp age

Any questions? Anything about the carp age

Ah, please

Question is, ah, observe this short

Question is about excess, about wanting more and you know, it´s a bad thing to support, the
excess is a prison for a variable waste, fine without me and for many people. What do I do to
help avoid excess? So, cues, who will read out?

We will find in a world? Resources are finite and scarce. What´s scarce? We don´t have many,
and Earth has no spares of bad restoring, what do you think, guys? Who knows? Bad tendency.

Great, so tendency repeats what history, dated in 2002, could use for a purpose of recycle and
reuse, what is recycle? It means sprouts, set the stage, but don´t add garbage. What is the
most important idea here? In order to save the world, we should not spend our time in putting
garbage. What does it mean “spend money”?
Well, open your books in page 23, please. Thank you, I want you now on page 71 to discuss the
feature that we have here. We are seeing someone very fun. Some people think we have a
fashion statement, now that we think it´s very important. So guys, I want you to think. But
listen… What do you think it is kind a complicated not to use fur? Guys, just pay attention now.
Well, listen, I sometimes have trouble to sleep because of you, even Siberia, Canada is as cold
in some structures, but they use fur because it´s cold, very cold. Well, adorable people, I want
you to read this text and do this homework, and then open on page 78 and 79. Great


Class, well, open on page 80 on exercises four and five. Ok guys, let´s face it here, ok? Let´s
check it. Now, ah, as for evolution well as just a royal problem, what is a paleontologist, what is
it? By the way listen guys, the Portuguese meaning for paleontologist is “paleontólogo” but do
you what it means exactly? Basically, a paleontologist is a biologist that studies those fossils
and how they have developed, how they have evolved into different animals, because when
we look at different fossils, he and she can understand how some animals really work these
days, and sometimes we help their own idea that paleontologists always research only
dinosaurs, but not just dinosaurs, you can be a paleontologist researching fish, you can be a
paleontologist by researching bugs, I remember. I and my wife saw a fish on the rock, in a
diner, but it was 4 billion years ago, and that´s very interesting through these days. Now, ok, so
alright, we can look in a dinosaur for feathers and we can have a datation. A datation that
people make over time. And we can also learn how birds made their ability to fly. It is the
furthest to datate the dinosaurs and how they evolved the capacity and capability, please,
cues, how they learned to flight. Ryan says that weather fly in birds originated from ancestors
that first spent in the ground and then they learned to climb before they fly, exercise five,
number one is to allow. Number two, kid. Number three, yes, support. Number four, well guys
please, let´s go now to page 82. Well, many times when you want to express past events, we
use the past perfect. By the time the humans evolved, so, listen guys, their broad swords
already disappeared, which action happened first? For first action, we use past perfect, for the
second action, past simple. Looks, guys, so, look guys, the past perfect always the verb at plus
main verb in the past participle, and in this case the past happens before.

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