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Evidence: Speak your mind

1. A political system is optimal not because it produces the policies that you prefer. It
produces the policies that much smarter people prefer.
I do not agree. A political system is optimal because it produces the policies that
everyone needs no matter what they prefer. On the other hand, policies that benefit a
nation are often the product of the work of school sages who use science to discover
the needs of a nation. That said, I believe that there is no "ideal" political system and
that all political systems seen by humanity have always had flaws.
2. The ideal system depends on the cultural attributes of the population.
I agree with this, the culture of the population is very important, good manners,
kindness and a good face in the face of circumstances allow the systems to be the best
and achievements more easily, which makes a system are the members of it.
3. Individuals should be admitted to schools and hired for jobs based on their ability.
The capacities of the people are very important so that the people can do their job
well, as for the schools I do not agree there are people who are not very skilled for
something but with effort and dedication they carry out all their projects.
4. Unlike the private sector, the government is motivated by public interest.
The government must be motivated by the public and private sector because each
allows society to grow and one does not move without the other.
5. Taxes allow the government to create jobs and provide welfare programs for people
in need.
I agree with this, the state is the one that administers the resources of the people and
must help the neediest people, through jobs or social welfare programs.
6. Governmental programs encourage people to become dependent and lazy instead of
inspiring them to become hard-working and independent.
This appreciation is very important, it is known that the government seeks the welfare
of the people, but some people abuse these aids and do not even want to work, they
only hope to ask for aid and this is also the great birth rate of the lower strata.

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