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The city of Agra, in the Uttar Pradesh state of India, houses the second of the monuments

designated as the 7 wonders of the modern world, also declared a World Heritage Site by
Unesco, The Taj Mahal, built between 1631 and 1654, is a collection of buildings located in
Agra, a city in Uttar Pradesh, India, built by Shah Jahan, emperor of the Mughal dynasty. The
Taj Mahal was built in honor of his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died giving birth to his
fourteenth child. Before his death, the emperor's beloved wife told him of his last wishes,
which were to build his grave, marry again, care for and love his children very much, and visit
his grave annually. on the anniversary of his death ... The emperor, after 8 days and 8 nights of
depression and confinement, without food or drink, decides to build the most beautiful tomb
the world has ever seen, so that everyone remembers the name of his beloved. wife and
remain a testament to your great love for her. This is how the Taj Mahal was built, the most
beautiful mausoleum in the world, covered in white marble and adorned at different points by
precious stones from around the world ... and today, perhaps, it represents the great this
construction made by love towards a woman

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