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LIVE AND LEARN 1 @ work in pairs. Look at the photos of different learning situations ‘and discuss the questions. © Who isthe teacher? + who are the students? © where are they? what are they studying? Escaneado con CamScanner 2 a p))s1 Listen and answer the questions. 1. Who's speaking, the teachers or the students? 2 What's special about each teaching situation? b Listen again. Complete the statements with Professor Quarashi (PQ), Matthew Sanford (MS) or Phil Higgins (PH). 1 thinks classrooms are ugly places. a believes everyone can do something special 3 teaches I. 4 ~ teaches at secondary school. as teaches at a university 6 teaches science. 7 flies to class. 8 teaches in the USA. 3 a @ work in pairs. Think about a teacher who made an impression on you. What was special about him/her? Teli your partner. b Share your experiences with the class. Do you think any of the teachers could be “Teacher of the Year"? a Look at Ain the Key Vocasutary panet J. Put the subjects in the correct category. Can you add any more subjects? ‘tb @ Look again at the list in A and answer the questions. '¢ Which of these subjects have you studied? Are you studying any now? ‘= Are there any you would like to study in the future? why? 5 a Look at Bin the Key Vocapuary Panet Bi. Do these types of school exist in your country? Use a dictionary to help you. What i the age group for each one? ‘b Match the qualifications to the types of school. 6 @® work in pairs. Tell your partner about the schools you have attended and the courses you have completed. 7 a @))s2 Listen to Keira talking about a course she is taking. What makes her course different from the ones in the photos? Is she enjoying it? Why/Why not? tb @ work in groups. Have you ever taken a course ‘online? If so, what did you think of the experience? not, would you like to? Why/Why not? Education & learning A Academic subjects art biology business studies chemistry drama economics geography history IT (information technology) languages literature mathematics music philosophy physics politics psychology sports ans & Schools & qualifications | hhigh school kindergarten pre-school secondary schoo! elementary school college/university QUALIFICATIONS degree diploma certificate master's doctorate NOTICE career, course, sruoies | Use carer to talk about someone's professional life. Use course or studies to talk about education During his ong career asa teacher, he ved in the USA. i | "vest rished a course atthe university. As part of his university studies, he traveled to India. How do you say career, course and studies in your language? 3 PERN ow ed Escaneado con CamScanner Wuicn Course? . SPEAKING & READING 1 &@® Work in pairs. Look at the photos. What 2a Match photos a-d to the university courses. 1 Sports science 2 Equine studies 3 Social networking s & Discuss the questions with your partner. © What's the tink between these courses and the title of the article What are traditional subjects? * Would you like to study any of the subjects in the photos? What do yo. Can you think of any other nontraditional subjects that are popular in 3 Look at the expressions highlighted in. in the article. Can you guess what they mean? Degrees with a Difference In many countries, students can choose between hundreds or Seis Ren Set Tie ees een nS traditional subjects, like physics, geography and languages, Pe ree ees Regret eet eat ey Perot LISTENING 1a @))s.3 Listen to three people talking about their university 2 a Complete the statements with the correct studies. Match the people to three of the photos. name, Elena, Raushan or Lee. 1 lives ina country where tor b Listen again. Choose the correct answer, a or b, for each speaker. ae egoriad. es 1 Elena chose her course because... likes police dramas. 2. twill be easy to get a job with this degree. 3 “sparents don't approve of his/her the subject looked interesting on TV shows. chaie. 2 Raushan's very interested in learning more about. a health Read transcript $3 on page 164 and check b psychology. your answers. 3 Lee chose his subject because. ajshealready knows. lot about it 3 Do you think some degree subjects are more his parents thinkit's a good idea useful than others? Which ones? Why? Escaneado con CamScanner GRAMMAR 1a Look at the sentences. Who is speaking, Elena of Lee? 1 tm taking my final exam next month 2 I'm studying really hard for this exam, 3 I'm starting college next year. 4 I'm getting excited about it already. b Which sentences refer to a) the future? b) the present? Underline the future time expressions, Then, complete 1 and 2 in the GRAMMAR PANEL Bd 2 _a Write the verbs in parentheses in the present continuous. Use the affirmative or negative to make the sentences true for you. Which sentences refer to the future? vt (work) really hard at the moment. 20 (go) shopping after class. 1 (stay) in tomorrow night. an (cook) dinner for friends on the weekend. b Compare your sentences with a partner's. Then write ‘two more about. a things you're doing right now. plans you have for the near future. 3 a Read transcript 5.3 on page 164. What other verb form is used to describe future plans? complete 3in the Gramman pane. 4 a Look at the questions. Which can you rewrite using going to? 1 Are you studying for an exam right now? 2 What are you doing next weekend? 3 How are you getting home tonight? 4 Are you reading a book at the moment? If so, are you enjoying i? b @® Ask and answer the questions in pairs. SPEAKING 1 @ Work in small groups. You are going to design anew university course. Follow the instructions. 1 Think of a subject that isnt offered at universities in your country 2 Decide why it might be useful or interesting. (iit going tohelp students get a job? Ist related to youth culture? Isitrelated to new technologies?) 3. Decide what kind of information and skill the course is going to cover and how long it's going to last. 2 © Present your course to the class. Which course i 1 the most unusual? Why? 2 the most useful? Why? Fig PRESENT CoN Present continuous. We use the present continuous to talk about... 1 the present (what we are doing now or around now): Fm working relly hard for this exam. o 2 plans and arrangements for the future (with a fixed time cr date). ‘Tm starting the course next yea. o Going to We also use going to to talk about future plans and intentions, There is very litle difference between the present Continuous and going to for future plans and arrangements. What are you studying next year? OR What are you going to study next year? ‘rm starting college in September. OR oo We often use the present continuous for fixed (diary) arrangements & going to for more general plans or intentions: 1m starting French classes next Tuesday. ‘Ym going to study French one day. See page 144 for grammar reference and more practice. NOTICE conna In very informal writing, e.g., in e-mails to friends, text 1e chats, we often write gonna instead Gonna study after class today. Speak tomorrow! We'e gonna miss you! Have a good trip! {t's also common to see gonna in song lyrics and advertising slogans. ‘Never gonna give you up. It’s gonna be big! Escaneado con CamScanner BEIGE soos AND RULES VOCABULARY: -ed/-ing adjectives 1a &® work in pairs. Choose the options which best describe your experience of school. 1am usually bored / interested in class. 2. Math classes were confusing / exciting 3. Homework was usually boring / interesting, 4. Lwas always depressed / excited on Sundays. School started on Monday morning! b }))54 Listen, Underline the best option. How do the speakers feel? Who likes/doesn't like school? 2 Look at the pairs of adjectives in 1. Which ones describe... 1 how somebody feels? tam, 2 something that makes a person feel a certain way? ‘My classes are. 3 write sentences with the correct adjectives. annoyed / annoying pleased / pleasing fascinated / fascinating tired / tiring 3 K've passed! |/really 4 Stopit! You / really 4 a Think about your English class. Make the questions, 1 What was the most interesting / interested thing you learned last week? 2 Which classes are more tired / tiring? Morning classes of afternoon classes? 3. What do you do when you are confused / confusing in class? b @©® Ask and answer the questions. READING a Look at the photos and answer the questions, 1. What country do you think they show? 2 What is the boy doing in each one? 3 Where do you think he is in the first one? Read the article quickly and check your ideas. Who is ‘Anselmo? What do the photos tell us about his life? Read the article again. Find and correct the false sentences. 1 Ester thinks Anselmo is an annoying student. 2 Students with poor grades can't go to the school. 3. Ester thinks that the most important thing students learn is that life can be difficult. 4. Students don’t pay any money to the school. Anselmo didn't enjoy his job. 6 Anselmo wants to workin the circus. Would you like to goto this school? Why/ Why not? Cae usa Et lassroom. Then he stood on his head. But his teacher wasn't angry. “Excellent, Anselmo! 'm reall ees a Cen ‘Anselmo goes to an unusual school in Rio de Janeiro, inp ie etna ERLE un COR EU Coe eto ss et ic Moe UES Cnn cae one Clore eye languages and math as welt; that's Escaneado con CamScanner GRAMMAR 1a Read the sentences, Are they true for Anselmo’s school? 1 All the students have to work hard. 2 They don’t have to study languages and math, 3. They musta’t be late for clas. 4 They must always be polite to their teachers. b Check your answers in the article in READING 1 2a Look at the sentences in 1a again. Which talk about. rules the students always need to follow? things that aren't necessary for the students to do? Look at the verbs in bold in 1a. Use them to complete 1-4 in the Grammar Pane. Bl OSs Coenen oy useful things. “Students learn how to work with other people, Co ue eu Re cy things in life can be dificult, butt you work hard they can. CO ghee mbe exciting and enjoyable!” re era im arts of tovin) ee ec) Pre eee tee ina tiny room with his mother and three eee ee ae We ee me Ae ne et ee Se A) ao Mea Sa a Hp teacher one day, like Mrs. da Silva 1) P) \'m very happy | don’t have to clean 0) ee ail 3 a Read the information and choose the correct option. Sometimes both options are correct. Tue Ree ate PRU ROL ea eect Students must / have to wear a uniform. They can’t even choose their own socks! 0, Boys mustn't /don’t have to grow their hair longer than their ears. They can only have short hair. Girls, mustn't / don’t have to have short hair. They can have it long or short Students must / mustn’t be on time. Late students can't enter the classroom, Students must / mustn't have jobs. Teachers think that students who work are too tired to study. Students mustn't / don’t have to stay in every night, but if they want to go out, they “must / have to ask their teacher—even on the weekend! = b Are any of these rules true for schools in your country? Write three more sentences about schools in your country using have to, must, mustn't or don’t have to. JUST(N’T) & (DON’T) “FOR OBLIGATION. ‘Must & have/has to ‘We use must and obligations, totalk about rules and Have to is more common than © We must/have to be at school at 8 a.m. Anselmo must/has to work hard at school. ‘Mustn’t & don’t/doesn't have to we use to talk about prohibition—about things that are against the rules. we use to explain that there is no obligation or rule. You mustn't be fate for school. («this is one of the rules, you don’t have a choice) Anselmo doesn’t have to wash cars anymore. necessary for him to wash cars now) See page 144 for grammar reference and more practice. SPEAKING 1 @ Work in groups. imagine you are going to write the rules for your english class next week. Discuss your ideas, Students don't have to do any exams. Great idea! 2. Make a poster with your five best ideas. Escaneado con CamScanner UREIAND TRADITION fy... ccscces SPEAKING & READING 1 @ Work in pairs. took at this photo. 2 a Read part of a museum brochure. Where is the museum and Discuss the questions. what can visitors learn about? b Do you have any museums like this in your town? The Museum of Romany Culture isn’t a big museum, but ita fascinating one. At the museum you can learn about the history of the Romany people in the Czech Republic and around the world, You can also learn about Romany culture and art—and buy some amazing ‘© Do you enjoy visiting museums? souvenirs in the shop! ‘© When was the last time you went to PE rine the museom in’nenh ‘a museum? What did you learn? © Have you ever used an audio guide? Do you think they're a good idea? LISTENING 1 ))55 Listen to the audio guide. In what order do you learn about... 2 Listen again. Complete the summaries in the museum brochure. A Romany musicians prefer to play instruments like the accordion or the" .tather than the like the® player Django Reinhardt (Belgium) and the punk band Gogol Bordello (“? Today, most Romany people live in or crafts and clothes are? «because this is alucky color. At the museum, ©) can learn these crafts Alot of Roma people speak Romany, but they don’t ‘many Romany people told stories about their and traditions. at the museum, we teach visitors these stories. You canalso buy” 3 @® Work in pairs. viscuss the questions. © Inyour region, what are the tradi 2) foods? (pasta, wine..)b) hobbies or activities? (music, storytelling. © What traditional things can you do or make? the downtown Romany district. NOTICE tearn/reacn Fm learning Romany. ('™m a student.) any. (V'm a teacher) many. © crafts? © music? - Romany music has inspired musicians ). . but not in wagons. Traditional Romany: or) the language. In the past, in the gift shop! nal: Escaneado con CamScanner PRONUNCIATION: Stress in two-syllable words 1 )s6 GP Work in pairs. Complete the table with words from the audio guide. Listen and check children enjoy good-bye guitar ° |e. music language lucky manic people prefer stories 2 a Is the word stress more often on the first or the second syllable? b Can you think of two more words for each category? VOCABULARY: Adjectives + prepositions 1. Read the museum's activity program. How many activities are there? Museum Activity Program All activities are free, and everyone is welcome! Romany culture ~ 1900 to present day Rin ‘Written and spoken Romany ~ beginners Music - all levels Romany dancing - all levels Romany crafts ~ make your own basket! (nrewsran) 2 ))s7 Listen to six museum visitors. Choose the best activity for each visitor. 3 a Match 1-7 to a-g. 1 fm bad 2 from Romany 2 I'm pretty good b about the 3 I'm really interested movies. 4 Flamenco is very similar © with reading 5 | always get excited A 6 inniston © Japanese is very different € atant. 7 'mbored 1 at music & to some Romany dances. bb Listen again and check, 4 a Complete the sentences about yourself. Use the correct preposition after each adjective. 'm completely different from my sister 1m really good ‘One person who's similar mes sometimes get really bored My best friend and I are both inter ‘always get excited When I was young, ! was bad 3 4 5 6 b @ compare your answers with your partner's extra deta Tim compeely diferent fom ey ste She wets hard at schoo! dont! 5 a Imagine you are visiting the museum. You only have time to go to gne event. Which ane would you choose? b @® Find anotn with you Would you keto goto the? Yes Fl tve tm (ed) intrested in. Get Son mot interested et no wey goad student who would like to go Escaneado con CamScanner 5-4 FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE: SOUNDING POLITE TUNE IN 7 Look at the photo. What do you notice about it? Do you have a cafeteria at your school, university or workplace? Is it similar or different to this? 2. s@)s3 Listen to five conversations. Which students were polite? 3) @ Work in groups. discuss the questions. * Do you think most people are polite? © Canyou think of any times when you heard someone being rude? What happened? FOCUS ON LANGUAGE 4 Are these expressions polite (P) or impolite (1)? 1 twant a hamburger. Vd like some curry, please, Give me that, too. What would you like? Can I have the lasagna, please? Could | have some spaghetti, please? What can I get you? Vil have some french fries. 5 a Lookat five ways people could answer. Which reply is NOT pe 1 Ofcourse 2 I'msory, but. 3 Certainly 4 I'matraid... 5 Whatever, 'b Complete the table with the polite replies. Positive () a Negative : 8 9 NOTICE requests witht CAN, COULD & WouLD We often use the modal forms can, could and would in polite questions and requests. Can/Could | have some more, please? '/d like some more, please. Could and would are more formal than can. 66 intonation: Sounding polite 9) 44))s.9 stn and write three Bec vo wl hear each Fequest ce Listen again, For each request, decide which speaker sounds more polite, aorb, Do the polite requests have rising (A) or falling (7) intonation? ‘Work in pairs, Practice the polite conversations in the transcript on page 164. OVER To You ©® work in pairs. choose two of the photos. What are the people doing? For each photo, think of a question or request someone might ask in this situation. Write a short conversation for each photo. Use polite questions and replies. © Work in pairs. Practice your conversations, Escaneado con CamScanner 17d Cod TUNE IN 1 Look at the extracts from advertisements for three different language schools. Which countries are they in? Discuss which course you'd like the most and why. Full program of after-class activities Relax while you learn! (oP Nee Cerise GCC Cet Sees Ree ee PREPARE FOR TASK 2. ))stoisten toa student asking about one ofthe courses and answer the questions. 1 Which course is he asking about? > Bo you think he wil go on the curse? Why/Why not? 3 a Listen again and complete the first column in the table, TASK : * 4 © work in pairs. student A, Name of school: Adventures in English Question turn to page 159. Student 8, Gassing turn to page 160. Have your =| conversations. Remember to be 2. Courses—which subjects? polite. 3. Class size? j = — REPORT BACK 4 Activities? Se 5 GP Now that you have more 5 Price information about the schools, which course would you choose? b What questions did the student ask? Complete the second column with Is there a favorite course in the the questions. Check your answers in the transcript on page 164. class? Escaneado con CamScanner (Aste Ia LOL dG l=

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