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Page 1 of 2: CURRICULUM SNAPSHOT: is logical thinking is sharper and can now easily relate fo structures and algorithms, and wants to create new real-world programs by hms. ‘Shrey, my 10 year old has developed keen interest in coding after doing the WhiteHat r couse. 6 wish every Kid has exposure to this course!" Leena Shab om, Entrepreneur Build Commercial-Ready Games & Apps with Full UI/UX Interface Coe teed Peer rent In WhiteHat Jr Coding, kids use foundation of logic-sequence, loops, commands to experiment, stumble, debug, and create commercial-ready apps and games, Crore Cessna CLASS 33-4 4 3 9 5 6 5 4 e : ea oe etn etry WhiteHat is created by alumni of the following esteemed institutions raat Pee cr ur. covets Ceo Erg Consulting omy Page 2 of 2: DETAILED CURRICULUM ‘A revolution! My kid's and he wants to create games & apps on computers ve ind is transformed after doing the course, He's thinking in structures, his questions have deepened, rsus watch videas.".-Kavita Shah, Mom, Entrepreneur (}(o }{o i Hn} |

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