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From reading these verses I received insights on how to parent better.

I like what D&C 121:45

states “Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the households of faith, and
let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly;” You can improve your parenting by not letting
anger take over your mind. Realize that you need to come from a place of understanding and let
the holy ghost guide you. By diving in deeper into the footnotes for verses 42-43 I think that
reproving means to change or correct. What I decipher “sharpness when moved upon the Holy
Ghost” is changing your parenting with clarity. The clarity is coming from the still small voice of
the Holy Ghost. This applies to positive correction with children because you are not coming
from a place of anger. This is coming from a clear mind and a clear heart when you listen to the
promptings of the Holy Ghost. We should follow the reproof with an increase in love in our
parenting. And betimes meaning that before it’s too late meaning before the damage could be
done to the child. Resulting in mental or physical problems with parenting with bad habits. We
often react with harsh ways or words when a child upsets us. When we come from a place of
love and understanding that’s when we can make improvements. And more often than not our
children will react better to us in the future. We need to take into account the children’s
viewpoint and feelings. In that way we can improve our relationships with our children.

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