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1. Why is the caste system still a cause of conflict?

The caste system is still a cause of conflict because the system is still active today! To add on,
the cow skinners who were considered “untouchables” now commonly known as Dalits were
discriminated against just because they were lower caste. This is shown when Sarvaiya insists, “We
didn't kill the cow, we just removed the skin. It's our ancestral job. Our forefathers did it.” This lead to
the Authorities revealing a lion killed the cow. However the vigilantes’ bias opinions have chosen to
distrust the evidence chanting "Dig four graves." This reveals that just for being a subordinate in the
caste system, justifiable evidence in your defense for an accused incident doesn’t matter as much as the
opinion of the vigilantes or upper castes.

2. Why are many Indians against the caste system?

Many Indians are against the caste system because Indians are determined for the right to be
treated as equal citizens. For example, when Pragnesh, “Let the owners of these dead cows clean the
carcasses themselves. We’re determined that our young generation moves ahead” This shows the
confidence that one representing “a sizable community of some 200 million people” believes that the
younger generation should be able to move up and not just be stuck in the same class because of birth
scarring them permanently. Due to this and more calls for the abolition of caste ever since half a century
ago, activists have realized the stupidity of the idea of the caste and demanded to get it removed from
society, this lead to rallies whose themes are “Freedom from caste-ism.” And etc.

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