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1. How was Spain impacted by both Christianity and Islam?

Spain was impacted by both Christianity and Islam as according to the text, “Muslims, Christians
and Jews alike contributed to a brilliant high culture in which astronomy, medicine, the arts,
architecture and literature flourished.” This explains that the Cordoba, the capital of Spain that was one
of the biggest cities of the world, had people especially from different religions like Christianity and
Islam come together ultimately leading to what we know as cultural diffusion due to the religions
spreading their own culture throughout Spain.

2. How was the Reconquista similar to the Crusades?

Reconquista is similar to the Crusades as they are conquests from Christians to gain their
territory, which is a holy war. One example is, ”The crusader soldiers themselves were largely
mercenaries with worldly motives who attacked many in their path for their own profit. … Instead of
uniting Christianity and defeating the Muslims, the crusaders had divided Christianity and were defeated
by the Muslims.” To add on, “Many Muslims were then forced out of Spain, while those who remained
could no longer give the call to prayer, go on pilgrimage, or publicly practice their faith.” Both of these
quotes show how essentially both of the events negatively impacted Muslims. However, the people who
actually participated in it had a chance to gain wealth from it.

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