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1. Which reasons did you agree with?


The reasons I agreed with is the Money was Money because the International Monetary Fund that
prints the money is what causes inflation today. However, back then items and their rarity
determined the value, letting “money grow on trees”, as like food which remained constant. To add
on, becoming Knights and Damsels seems fun, though the portion is biased. I wouldn’t turn down an
opportunity to become a knight, as it was a job and allowed you to save damsels, dressed in armor
and fight enemies and tournament which seems to be a exciting and on the edge lifestyle.

2. Which reasons did you disagree with? Explain

The reasons I disagreed with is the Plenty of Work, because depending on the class you were in you
had to have had work, which isn’t really a good thing most of time. This would mean that probably
work overthrew education back then, especially if you were a lower class. However today there are
many jobs to suit people’s personalities and you could at least work to move social mobility today.
In addition, is Amazing Food, because even though, “The average medieval peasant, however, would
have eaten nearly two loaves of bread each day, and 8oz of meat or fish, the size of an average
steak. This would have been accompanied by liberal quantities of vegetables, including beans,
turnips and parsnips, and washed down by three pints of ale.” This wouldn’t satisfy flavor and taste
buds, this would be your only type of food, as spices and sauces weren’t a thing back then, today
they are, and in my opinion food today is much better than back then.

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