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1. How has Mongolia kept some of its traditions while also modernizing at the same time?

Mongolia has kept some of its traditions, and at the same time modernizing at the same time by
preserving areas from the past as tourist destination. For example, “Eventually you’ll find Zaisan
monument, a concrete Soviet monument to Mongolia’s involvement in WWII, perched upon a gentle
but tall hill on the southern edge of town. A quick run up the monument’s staircase” This shows how
Mongolia recognized and honors allied Mongolian and Soviet soldiers killed in World War II and opened
it to the public as memory of their past. To add on, “Mongolia is still about one-third fully nomadic…The
ger districts are impossible to navigate, and (if you don’t know Russian or some Mongol) you’ll
understand no one there. Avoid the ‘slum tours’ that are popping up in town, but the ger districts are
absolutely worth a visit” This reveals how Mongolia wants to preserve there old ways such as their
nomadic lifestyle while some attempts to offer “slum tours” but this article recommends readers to view
the districts to reveal different life styles.

2. Will Ulaanbaatar become a popular tourist destination? Explain.

I highly think not due to the extreme climate of the city Ulaanbaatar. One example, “In January
2015 temperatures hit -41.3 degrees Fahrenheit. Within recorded history it’s gone as far as -86.8
Fahrenheit.” This explains the dangerous temperature conditions if you were to live in the city during
the winter which is very low below freezing! In addition, “It’s also one of the most polluted cities in the
world for a few months out of the year, thanks to the impoverished ger districts’ reliance on cheap but
inefficient coal fires for warmth and light, and the heavy use of coal in the rest of the nation. Step
outside, and the air will choke and stab at you.” This is one of the main reasons why it wouldn’t succeed
as one of the world’s most polluted areas it can definitely cause health problems as the air is terrible and
who would want to live in a tainted city?

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