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Written Final Test – Modules 1-8

Listen to two dialogues and answer the questions. Choose a, b, or c.
A. Megan
1. How often does Megan check her email?
A. Never B. Twice every hour C. Every five minutes

2. What DOESN’T she do with her new cell phone? She doesn’t …
A. Make phone calls B. Go on social network C. Text people

3. She doesn’t listen to music because ...

A. She hates music. B. She’s busy. C. She doesn’t have a smart phone.

B. B. Ryan
4. What does Ryan do with his laptop?
A. He texts his girlfriend. B. He listens to music. C. He goes on social networks.

5. How often does he call his girlfriend?

A. Three times a week B. Three or four times a day C. Once a month

6. He DOESN’T see his girlfriend because ...

A. She lives very far. B. She doesn’t have time. C. She enjoys chatting.
Score 3
A. Complete the sentences with the words in the boxes.

Convenient – Portable – Willing – Crowded - similar – Depressed - Chubby

1. I hate going shopping downtown. It’s always so ....................

2. This is my new ...................... computer. Do you like it?
3. My boyfriend feels ............................ because our dog got lost.
4. Is the bus a .......................... mode of transportation for you?
5. Stephanie is ......................................... to help me do my school project.
6. Your new boots are very ...................... to mine.

This paper is copyright of Amerikan Dili Edebiyatı Yabancı Dil Kursları A.Ş © 2019. All rights reserved.

B. Choose a, b or c.
7. You sometimes people when you ask them too many questions.
a. admit b. appear c. annoy
8. The price of the hotel breakfast.
a. includes b. arranges c. experiences
9. Can you please me at the airport?
a. pick… up b. show… up c. take… up
10. What is the language of your country?
a. normal b. stylish c. official

Score 5
A. Complete the sentences with the simple past or present perfect of the verbs in
1. He __________________ (drink) seven cups of coffee yesterday.

2. She __________________ (live) in London since 1994.

3. We __________________ (finish) this room last week.

4. I __________________ (visit) Paris three times.

5. Last month they __________________ (go) to Scotland.

6. I __________________ (know) Julie for three years – we still meet once a month.

B. Circle the correct words.

7. I don’t like these jeans. I prefer the other one / ones.
8. Mary did well / good on her History test.
9. Would you like coming / to come jogging with me?
10. This exercise is enough / too difficult. I can’t do it.

C: Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple or simple past of the
verbs in parentheses.
11. Robert __________________ (become) a member of the sports club last January.
12. __________________ you __________________ (watch) the American Idols last night?
13. I __________________ (receive) a medal in Karate last week.
14. My brother __________________ (always / want) to become a pilot.

Score 7

This paper is copyright of Amerikan Dili Edebiyatı Yabancı Dil Kursları A.Ş © 2019. All rights reserved.

Read the text and answers the questions that follow.

The Secrets of Long Life

A long, healthy life is no accident. It begins with good genes, but it also depends on good habits.
If you have a healthy lifestyle, experts say, you may live up to 10 years longer. So, what is the
secret of a long life?

I visited places in the world where many people live to be 100 years old including Sardinia in
Italy and Okinawa in Japan. Sardinians and Okinawans live longer, suffer from fewer illnesses,
and enjoy long healthy lives.


First, I went to Sardinia, where many people, especially men, live longer than in other parts of
the world. Generally, women live longer than men. In fact, in America, there are four times as
many 100-year-old women as men. However, in Sardinia an equal number of men and women
reach 100.

The reason is possibly that the men have a stress-free life working in the hills, and the women
look after the house and the family money. "I do the work," says Tonino, holding his wife
Giovanna around the waist. "My wife does the worrying."


Since I last visited Ushi five years ago, she's taken a new job, tried to run away from home, and
started wearing perfume. Normal for a young woman, perhaps, but Ushi is 103. When I ask
about the perfume, she jokes that she has a new boyfriend, then puts a hand over her mouth and
gives a long heart- warming laugh.

"Okinawans have one-fifth the heart disease, one-fourth the breast and prostate cancer, and one-
third less mental health problems than Americans," says Craig Willcox of the Okinawa
Centenarian Study. What's the key to their success? "Ikigai certainly helps,” Willcox says. The
word translates to "reason for living;' and it may help to prevent stress and diseases such as high
blood pressure.

Okinawans have a low-calorie diet. "A full plate of Okinawan vegetables, tofu, miso soup, and a
little fish or meat contains fewer calories than a small hamburger;' says Makoto Suzuki of the
Okinawa Centenarian Study. "And it will have many more healthy nutrients."

This paper is copyright of Amerikan Dili Edebiyatı Yabancı Dil Kursları A.Ş © 2019. All rights reserved.

1. A long healthy life depends on two main things. What are they?

2. Why do men live longer in Sardinia than in the United States?

3. How old was Ushi the last time the writer visited her?

4. What does Ushi joke about her new perfume?

5. Why do Okinawans have much less health problems?

6. What does a low-calorie Okinawan diet contain?

Score 3

Write a paragraph about your last vacation in at least 60 words.
(Where did you go? / What did you do there? / Who did you go with? / What places did you

Score 2

Total Score 20

This paper is copyright of Amerikan Dili Edebiyatı Yabancı Dil Kursları A.Ş © 2019. All rights reserved.

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