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The motivations I had to study political science can be perfectly exemplified by the current

situation that I am experiencing thanks to COVID-19. To contextualize them, the reason

why I cannot appear in the video is because I am in the municipality of Guaduas, because
the quarantine surprised me here and I do not have technological devices other than my
phone that has terrible signal connections and the camera is found absolutely spoiled. This
municipality, which is barely 3 hours from Bogotá, does not have such necessary issues at
present as access to a good internet signal, or coverage of electricity service in the entire
sector. What in times of quarantine has not only hindered the continuation of my classes but
also that of thousands of children and young people from the municipality who, unlike the
country's big cities, have had to stop their studies due to lack of technical capabilities. And
it is there where the public sphere should enter to actively work to give a minimum of
human dignity to the people who are part of this community and who year after year pay
with their earnings the taxes that support the central government of the country. However,
this does not turn out to be so simple since most mayors or governors do not have a deep
understanding of the requirements that must be met in order to pay for these problems, how
to plan projects of social interest, or distribute in a timely manner. and justified subsidies
that help to overcome the economic needs that the current world panorama brings. Precisely
in these cases, when a much more specialized academic accompaniment is necessary, it is
necessary to have a political scientist who has the capacities to carry out productive
projects, do research in order to find the best way to solve problems, fill out contracts in
favor of the community, resort to current legislation to support regional requests, resolve
conflicts in a timely and clear manner, manage public policies of all kinds, etc. And
precisely for this reason it is of great value for Colombian society to study political science,
since our country is characterized by high corruption rates and because most peripheral
regions do not have the same state presence as cities. capital, which limits the guarantee of
basic rights to the entire population. Difficulties that can be solved with the ability to solve
problems in a timely manner, good resource management, and knowledge of the national
and departmental organization, characteristics that a political scientist knows first-hand and
can give communities to improve their material conditions in cultural, social, and economic
Another important characteristic of a political scientist is that he has a very wide capacity
for criticism since he constantly exposes himself to literature of all kinds, encouraging his
ability to question political and social phenomena at the individual and collective level. For
this reason, many political scientists are also journalists, researchers or philosophers, since
these forms of communication and science are strictly linked to the career, since power
relations and politics are found in any country or culture in the world and it is very
important to learn to identify them because only in this way you can see the inequalities
that exist and start working to balance the balance.

I believe that all the people of the country should know a little about political science and in
this way they would appreciate and understand the vote, the public resources and the public
space since they would know the great responsibilities and efforts that each of these actions
implies. Perhaps in this way, corruption rates would drop, public revenue would be better
invested, and peace would be a goal for all Colombian citizens.

Finally, I would like to invite you to learn more about my career, and see that the great
leaders of the world have currently studied it in depth. I would also like to recommend
some authors who talk about political theory such as Hannah Arendt, or Slavoj Žižek. And
if you want to see some political texts linked to our national reality, Claudia Lopez, Juan
Manuel Santos and Antanas Mockus will surely love it.

Thanks for listening and see you next time.

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