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Retailer 1

Introduced by our cab driver as he knows the local language (Haryanvi) which helped us to make the
retailer agree for q& a.

We started with introducing ourselves and our purpose of visit and specific role of this interview.

Q1: What is the population of this village?

Ans: The village consists of 600 houses/families, he don’t have the track of how many families are
flocking to the store but as an approximation it is only 20 to 30 families mainly used to buy from this
shop, as it is a new shop (less than one year) and families buy from the shops nearer to them and
there are other shops already exists.

Q2: What is their purchasing pattern such as quantity of purchase (bulk, little), frequency (daily,
monthly) and size of packet?

Ans: The buying pattern is mainly of small quantities on daily basis and smaller size packs (lower

Q3: Which type of product they stock and what the buyers ask for such as local or branded?

Ans: As this is a village shop, the consumers are neither highly educated and intelligent nor they
have very good knowledge about products and brands, so they depend on the shopkeeper. A very
few will ask for any brand and according to him consumer can ask for anything and any brand but
buys whatever available, as suggested by shopkeeper and which is cheap.

Q4: Which product is more profitable (branded or local)?

Ans: Every product has profit margins, which ever gets sold quickly (repeat purchase/ higher
frequency of purchase) gives more profit.

Q5: How they get their stocks replenished such as is brand vehicles come to update their stock or
they himself makes the purchase? From where they make their purchase? What is the frequency of
purchase? Who makes the purchase? Mode of purchase (credit or direct payment)?

Ans: The stocks are updated by direct purchase from the near by town Narela, on weekly basis and
no stockists/ brand vehicle comes here for stock replenishment and they don’t have any such
knowledge of brand replenishments. Only items that come for auto replenishment is Beedi. The
stock keeping units are very small as 12 pieces of small size bath soaps in a weekly shopping. The
purchases are done on Sunday by the sons of the shopkeeper and sometimes on weekdays also
keeping in mind of the available stocks. And all purchases are done in direct cash basis, there is no
credit facility from the wholesaler.

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