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USO06140819A United States Patent 11» [1 Patent Number: 6,140,819 Peterman et al. [45] Date of Patent: Oct. 31, 2000 [54] CONTINUOUS-DEPTH-INDICATING 5.001490 3/991 Peterman et 2241306 UNDERGROUND PIPE AND CABLE 31362231902 Balknan 324805 LOCATOR Sasi 31093 Yow 334805 Sou0002 61097 Mowzel aa maze (75] tavetos: Rat 3 Peterman, Phe David Le FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Calif. ° 2.239008 10/1975 France 5281979 "11077 Japan [73] Assignee: Heath Consultants, Ine, Houston, Tex. 383182 Jor USS 100914 1978. Unied Kingdom eaancternercs 2006438 5/1979 Unie Kinglom [22] Filed: May 26, 1998 Primary Examiner Walter Sooty . ; ‘Attorney, Agent, or Firm-—Thomas E. Schatzel; Law Offices [51] Int. GOLY 3/08; GOLV 3/10; Gf Thomas E. Schatzel, A Prof. Corp GouR 19}00, ° [52] U.S.C 324/326; 324/67 [57] ABSTRACT [58] 4d of Search 324/67, 207.11, underground pipe and cable locator for continuous dey 324207 17, 30718, 30722, 20726, 237, Peng compres opand oto ceiver etm sor 243, 326, 327, 328, 329 each connected to respective amplifier channels. A separate transmitter is used 1 slimulae electromagnetic radiations (S61 eines Chew from a buried pipe, cable, or other electrical conductor, The US. PATENT DOCUMENTS botiom receiver enteane seasor is sampled. and. used to sans syosa tenes ea sroney SStebonize 4 plus locked loop conlledosiltor. The 2a01So8 3980 het SUS Geen aoa nee sigs cited fo eae taeeee 3249 the top and bottom receiver anteana sensors are fill-wave 31893025. 7/1975 Humphicys, Je snag feelified without the use of rectifiers or diodes that can Reece 3107 truce distortions and offsets. Such signals are fll-wave 3991303 11/1078 Lalhop s2us2_telfed by synchronously switching between inverted and foot. ‘319% Sankot 3243 won-invered copies wih ao analog owinch such toe tbe ox 81978 Ullmenn BiaABB:R —poslve eyckes of each are ouput in ooe pulse ta. A 4iStoet 11979 Gudge 324/54 Gontinuous output is therefore obtainable from the top and 4 zs x Ber ae tal i 324/52 bottom receiver antenna sensors, and this, in turn, permits a 4249630 2/981. Loogced 180168 Continuous display of the depth estimate of the buried 4)387;310 6/1983. Peterman 524326 Sonducto. SS2n317 Sioes eteman ue Sooutes 31987 Seedinaee sausze 11 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets rm 2 —_-4#— 18 ae a oe & ae deo os Za 17] ariver |) doqaeael v eae? < paseo ec i Es (oan aoc cpu 74 a Mase Rana pmo ise st sensor 7 ee Ls a 2 80] et anoe|__| fs Bi pasate on-off Ean J ook phase er + [[ Pitapitoat FR e 70 bveaker =] Z | reo cemrom me £ a peut i LI power aod Sopiy USS. Patent Oct. 31, 2000 Sheet 1 of 3 6,140,819 plumb 6,140,819 Sheet 2 of 3 Oct. 31, 2000 US. Patent ‘Aiddns 08 ismod ay pete zy fi x Lg Woud33 POP oO c 7 lth "9 Jeyeeds t—<}oh ou’ 7B 1. POyOOIOTId t

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