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© HENRY - (00 SELECTED STORIES 307 ‘What's the use to try!” Lasked, with a little frown. ‘You say you are a physician. Is aphasia curable? When a man loses his memory, does it return slowiy, or suddenly?” ‘Sometimes gradually and imperfectly; sometimes as suddenly as iewent. ‘Will you undertake the treatment of my case, Doctor Volney” Lasked. ‘Old friend,’ said he, ‘I'll do everything in my power, and will have done everything that science can do to cure you.” ‘Very well,’ said I. ‘Then you will consider chat I am your patient. Everything is in confidence now — professional confidence.’ ‘Of course,’ said Doctor Volney. I got up from the conch. Someone had set a vase of white roses on the centre table ~ a cluster of white roses freshly sprinkled and fragrant. I threw them far out of the window, and then I laid myself upon the couch again. ‘Te will be best, Bobby,” I said, ‘to have this cure happen sud- denly. Pm rather tired of it all, anyway. You may go now and bring Marian in. But, oh, Doc,’ I said, with a sigh, as I kicked him on the shin — ‘good old Doc — it was glorious?” A Municipal Report “The cities are full of pride, Challenging each to each — This from her mountainside, “That from her burthened beach. R. Kiruna, Fancy a novel about Chicago or Buffalo, fet us say, or Nashville, Tennessee! “There ace just three big cities im che United States that are ‘story cities? ~ New York, of course, New Orleans, and, best: of the lot, San Francisco, — FRANK Nornis. East 1s Easr, and West is San Francisco, according co Californi- ans. Californians are a race of people; they are not merely inbabi- tants of a State. They are the Southerners of the West. Now, Chicagoans are no less loyal to their city; but when you ask them why, they stammer and speak of lake fish and the new Odd Fellows Building. But Californians go into detail.

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