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Ananda Galuh Intan P


How To Overcome Coronavirus

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered

coronavirus. Symptoms include fever, cough, and sore throat, and can lead to death in
vulnerable populations, particularly the elderly. Scientist are trying to understand the COVID-19,
which is a pandemic as stated by WHO on 11 March 2020.
Up until 31 March, there are 1.528 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia. The growing
number of infected people, as well as the death percentage, have spread a panic and discomfort
in our society. But the real question is, how to overcome the coronavirus ? Below is a few ways
to overcome the virus.
First, we need to maintain cleanliness of our body, as well as our surrounding. Coronavirus
spreads when an infected person coughs small droplets - packed with the virus - into the air.
These can be breathed in, or cause an infection if you touch a surface they have landed on, then
your eyes, nose or mouth. Maintain cleanliness is necessary, because by doing it, we can lessen
the risk of being infected and carried the virus.
Then, how we maintain the cleanliness ? Always remember to wash our hands frequently
with soap and water or use a sanitizer gel. Then we must avoid touching our eyes, nose, and
mouth with unwashed hands. These ways could protect ourself from the virus.
But don’t forget that the cleanliness of the environment around us is also important. We
should spare some of our time to clean our house. We should often clean objects that are often
touched, such as mobile phones, door handles, computer keyboards, and work desks. We can
clean it with disinfectant liquid.
Second, take care of our health. Good health leads to good immune system. Viruses only
attack a person when its immune system is bad. This apply to coronavirus too. We are advised to
consume healthy food, such as vegetables, fruits, and proteins. If necessary, we can also
consume supplements according to doctor’s order. In addition, exercise, getting enough sleep,
stopping smoking, and avoiding alcoholic beverages also help.
Third, knowing coughs and sneezes ethics. We must cover our mouth and nose with a tissue
when we cough or sneeze or use the inside of our elbow. Then we must throw used tissues in a
trash and wash our hands right after. Remember to use mask ONLY if you’re sick.
Fourth, social distancing. Government has called on us to carry out social distancing. Some
people may disagree with this, but it’s for the greater good. Droplets that carried coronavirus can
fly as far as 2 meters. If you stand crammed or do not keep your distance from someone who is
positive COVID-19, then the droplet will easily stick to the body and the virus will move along.
That’s why social distancing is highly recommended as prevention of coronavirus infection.
Lastly, the most important thing is not to panic, but to be prepared. It’s very normal to be
anxious, frightened, sad, and nervous, but do control our emotion. One of the effect of being
overly panic is panic buying, that leads to many more bad things like a domino effect. We also
must be prepared by knowing all update news about COVID-19, and avoid believing fake
information. Some of most reliable source is Indonesian Health Ministry and WHO.
That was some ways to overcome coronavirus. Coronavirus is indeed a global disaster.
There is no vaccine for COVID-19 but there are ways to prevent it. In the mean time, we must
remember to support each other, no need for discrimination. Also we must keep doing our best
to avoid the outbreak by doing all the things above.

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