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f I have a great exercise for you that will help. In your C6 or A6 tuning, or even
a G or E etc., locate your major triad 1 3 5. In C6 (E on top), that would be
strings 6, 5, 4 then skip string 3 and play strings 1 and 2. So, to repeat, play C
E G C E. You’re going to pick thumb, index, middle and cross over the thumb to pick
string 2 and index to pick 1, then reverse by playing string 2 (thumb) and then 4 5
6 using the middle, index then thumb.
This is a full measure of eighth notes, with the last note here starting a new
6 5 4 2 1 2 4 5 6
T i m t i t m i t

Play itin steady 8th notes making surely only one note sounds at a time. Do it
slowly with a metronome until you can nailbefore increasing tempo. Play it
chromatically up and down the neck. It really helps.

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