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Esta expresión se usa para referirse a actividades que antes se realizaban en forma regular y que se han dejado de
hacer. Equivale al la terminación -aba o -ía del español. En las oraciones negativas que siguen a una oración con USED
TO normalmente se usan las expresiones not... anymore, not... any longer o no longer (antes del verbo principal)

Escuche, lea y aprenda:

I used to play /ái iu:st tu plei/ football well when I was young. I don´t play well now. (Yo jugaba fútbol bien cuando era
joven. Ahora no juego bien)

They used to visit /δei iú:st tu vízit/ us every summer. They don´t visit us in the summer anymore/any longer. (Ellos nos
visitaban todos los veranos. Ellos no nos visitan más en el verano.

Bob used to love /iú:st tu láv/ her very much. He no longer loves her now. Bob la amaba mucho. Ahora ya no la

Jim didn´t use to work /dídnt iú:s tu wé:rk/ very hard at school, but he used to get /iú:st tu gét/ very good grades anyway.
Jim no estudiaba mucho en el colegio, pero de todos modos obtenía buenas notas.

Where did you use to spend /did iú iú:s tu spénd/ your summer vacation when you were young? ¿Dónde pasabas tus
vaciones de verano cuando eras joven?


Ex 1. Introduce USED TO by changing the italicized verbs. Explain the change in meaning, as in the

Bob worked in the car factory. Bob used to work in the car factory. (He doesn´t work there
Mr. Scott smoked cigars. Mr. Scott used to smoke cigars. (He doesn´t smoke cigars
anymore/He doesn´t smoke cigars any longer/He no longer
smokes cigars)
1. Uncle Paul lived in that house. (not... now)
2. Mary spoke Italian at home. (not... anymore) ___________________________________________________
3. Ann came to class on time every day. (not... now) ___________________________________________________
4. Peter was a good student. (no longer) ___________________________________________________
5. I rode the subway to work. (not... any longer) ___________________________________________________
6. Bill brought her flowers every Friday. (not... anymore) ___________________________________________________
7. Mother played the piano well. (not... now) ___________________________________________________
8. Bill helped me with my homework. (not... any longer) ___________________________________________________
9. John Kerry went to that school. (not... now) ___________________________________________________
10. We exported shoes to the USA. (no longer) ___________________________________________________

A short course in english for adult students 83

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