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Habitat International 63 (2017) 79e88

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Regular pattern of judicial decision on land acquisition and

resettlement: An investigation on Zhejiang’s 901 administrative
litigation cases
Wenzhang Zhou a, Yi Peng b, Haijun Bao b, *
School of Law, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, Hangzhou, PR China
School of Public Administration, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, Hangzhou, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Conflicts in land acquisition and resettlement (LAR) in China frequently occur because of rapid urbani-
Received 3 November 2016 zation and economic development. These conflicts require judicial decisions by law courts at various
Received in revised form hierarchical levels. However, few studies examine the regular pattern of relevant judicial decisions to
5 March 2017
improve the resolution of conflicts related to LAR in China. The current study aims to identify the regular
Accepted 22 March 2017
Available online 30 March 2017
pattern of jurisdiction in the field of LAR in Zhejiang Province by examining 901 administrative litigation
cases. Docking and blocking net, through which determines whether a judge supports plaintiffs in a
nomological basis, is used to investigate these cases. Statistical analysis of jurisdictions, defendants, and
Regular pattern
causes of action was conducted in the study. Results indicate that jurisdictions, executive positioning of
Land acquisition and resettlement (LAR) respondents, and causes of lawsuits are key issues that affect the judgment of the dockingeblocking net.
Winning rate dockingeblocking net Results reveal that the temporal-hierarchical level of jurisdiction is negatively correlated with the
Administrative litigation case plaintiffs' winning rate. The docking and blocking mechanism system of high-level courts within a
China jurisdiction likely provides adverse referees to plaintiffs. The executive positioning of respondents also
Administration litigation case affects judicial results. The plaintiffs’ winning rate deviates depending on the causes of lawsuits. Plaintiffs
and defendants use the three factors to further their own interests as much as possible through affecting
the final judicial decisions of the dockingeblocking net. This study seeks to improve the legitimacy of
executive action, thereby reducing the judicial costs of executive acts. The study contributes to the
prevention of existing administrative and judicial conflicts of LAR by clarifying the weak points of
administrative departments.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 28,674.82 ha in 1999 to 32,026.18 ha in 2012, indicating a growth of

approximately 12% (MLR, 2013). A survey shows that the rapid
Various forms of land requisition have emerged with the rapid growth of illegal land acquisition of local governments in several
urbanization and industrialization in China (Shen, Peng, Zhang, & cities is more than 90% (Hui & Bao, 2013). Most scholars determine
Wu, 2012; Chen, Wang, & Huang, 2015; Peng, Lai, Li, & Zhang, that illegal land use also causes related legal and social conflicts
2015; Bao, Zhu, Cen, Peng, & Xue, 2017). Existing research (Bao & Peng, 2016; Liang, 2009; Hui, Bao, & Zhang, 2013). Farmers
demonstrated that land acquisition in the suburban of Beijing is may experience unfair treatment in illegal land use (Peng, Shen,
usually for developing service and innovation industries, while that Zhang, & Ochoa, 2014, Peng, Shen, Shen, Lu, &Yuan, 2014; Tang &
for Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta is the second industry Chun, 2002). Illegal land transactions cause various social and
(Gong, Chen, Liu, & Wang, 2014; Tian, Ge, & Li, 2017; Webster & environmental problems and further threaten resources and envi-
Muller, 2002, pp. 6e19). In addition, official statistical records ronment protection (Chen, Wang, Chen, & Huang, 2015; Peng,
indicate that areas of illegally used land increased from 2015; Peng, Shen, Tan, Tan, & Wang, 2013; Tian, 2008). The
misuse of “public interest” by land acquisition departments
threatens the principles of Chinese law (e.g. Xu, 2007).
* Corresponding author. Judicial decisions are required to solve conflicts related to LAR;
E-mail addresses: (W. Zhou), thus, law research is crucial. Existing law research focuses on the
(Y. Peng), (H. Bao).
0197-3975/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
80 W. Zhou et al. / Habitat International 63 (2017) 79e88

relationship between illegal land use and China's land legislative countries, such as China, the number of conflicts resulting from LAR
recommendations. Tian and Ma (2009) asserted that some public is substantial and accompanied by disputes on land ownership and
authorities work with the private sector to illegally transfer lands in the right of use (Bao, Ye, & Xu, 2014; Muzondo, Barry, Dwar, &
their control. Liang (2009) investigated the effects of promotion Whitetal, 2007; Tan, 2008).
incentives and concluded that illegal behavior under departmental In Asia, the main reason for these conflicts is two-fold. The first
interests in the fiscal decentralization mode is strengthened has to do with the question of what is “public purpose”, which is
because of the lack of good governance. Koroso, Molen, Tuladhar, usually required by the land management law in some countries. In
and Zevenbergen (2013) found that significant problems in the India, constitutional debates on “public purpose” in land acquisi-
land market are related to inequity, which is caused by corruption tion continue because land acquisition stands at the political fault
in dealing with land acquisitions. Thus, the central government line of a changing India, which is undergoing significant political,
implemented a series of reforms to prevent corruption in urban economic, social, environmental, and spatial transitions. Since
land sales. Xu, Yeh, & Wu (2009) proposed that amending the law is 1824, India's legislation has not established a good definition of
only part of the ongoing efforts to develop a “law order” following public interest to prevent the abuse of land expropriation rights.
the aim of the central government. Researchers also suggested Under the administrative system of the Chinese government, LAR is
legislative actions on land use in China. Ding (2007) argued that the determined by “public purposes” (Clarke, 2014). However, China
local government should consciously regulate the conflicts of LAR has its own specific national condition. Lieberthal and Lampton
in accordance with the law. Jin, Shi, and Yu (2010) noted that rules (1992) studied Chinese politics in the post-Mao era and
must be enacted to obtain a fair bargain on land acquisition, which concluded that at the middle reaches of the rural hierarchy, the
will help resolve conflicts. Rao, Tan, and Luo (2014) emphasized the relationship between the basic government and expanding rural
monitoring and control of the behavior of local governments to settlements demonstrates the continuing role of bureaucratic au-
solve land problems effectively. Research on the problems of illegal thority as a determinant of resource allocation. Thus, China's bu-
land use must be improved with solid evidence (Zhou, Xu, & Wang, reaucracy controls the definition and implementation of “public
2015). purpose” (Zhang, 2009). As a result, China's executive authorities
However, existing research has certain limitations. Studies on will most likely control the arbitrary power of citizenship through
laws usually focus on whether the results of charges are legal. Other their power of interpreting the term “public purpose” (Li, 2008). By
studies are administrative result-oriented and explain the behav- establishing the definition of public interest, China's local govern-
ioral effect of land acquisition and the corresponding management ments abuse the right of land expropriation to threaten the rights of
strategies of local governments. However, the logical basis of local people; collective land owners, as well as the holders. The land
administrative result-oriented research is the behavior of admin- owners cannot easily safeguard their legitimate rights and interests
istrative departments rather than judicial departments. In the through legal collective land expropriation procedures. In the end,
Chinese legal system, the judicial branch, instead of the executive abuse of administrative actions on land expropriation caused a
branch, makes the final verdicts on administrative actions. When a large number of conflicts resulting from LAR (Li, 2008; Zhang,
bill that involves LAR becomes a law, a judicial decision from the 2009).
judicial department connects the administrative action and the bill. Second, who are the beneficiaries? The Indian state arrogated to
However, few studies have examined the regular pattern of rele- itself substantial legal powers to exercise the right of eminent
vant judicial decisions to improve conflict resolution of LAR in domain. Yet the efforts to establish a legal regime that guarantees
China. the right to resettlement and rehabilitation for displaced groups are
This study aims to identify the regular patterns of jurisdiction in unsuccessful (Levien, 2011). Zhang (2005) believes that local gov-
the field of LAR in Zhejiang Province by examining 901 adminis- ernments in China abuse their power on expropriation compen-
trative litigation cases. Docking and blocking net, which determines sation; compensation standards in the process of collection are
whether a judge supports plaintiffs in a nomological basis, is used excessively low, which has a serious effect on the constitutional
to investigate these cases. This paper is organized as follows: Sec- rights on expropriation and has sparked intense social conflicts. Mo
tion 2 presents the context of LAR, and relevant operation of judicial (2008) conducted a practical study and posited that the behaviors
decision on the resulted conflicts through an in-depth review. of local governments, such as the simplification of allocation ap-
Section 3 briefly introduces the research methods and data sources. proaches and inadequate social security, violate the basic principles
In Section 4, a statistical analysis of the written judgment docu- and legislative intention of land expropriation and seriously
ments of 901 administrative litigation cases related to LAR in threaten farmers’ property rights. Zhu and Prosterman (2007)
Zhejiang Province is conducted. Section 5 presents an in-depth analyzed land rights in China and determined that various land
discussion on the findings. The final section summarizes the conflicts occur because farmers who lose their land typically
research with specifying the future research directions. receive minimal or even no compensation. Unjust expropriation
compensation legislation will intensify the dissatisfaction of the
2. Literature review people who were expropriated and cause conflicts related to LAR
(Shan, Yu, & Wu, 2017), which in turn will affect social stability and
2.1. Conflicts resulting from LAR economic development. Thus judicial decision is usually unavoid-
able to solve such generated conflicts.
Land conflict related to LAR is a global problem. Developing
countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa are facing various forms of land 2.2. Judicial decision on LAR
conflicts (Jokhadze, 2006; Müller, 2008; Yucer, Kan, Demirtas, &
Kalanlar, 2016). Land conflicts pertain to the personal loss and Two factors that result in frequent conflicts of LAR can be
property loss in land disputes, acquisition, and resettlement attributed to the defects of China's legal system. Studying and
(Alston, Libecap, & Mueller, 2000). Various forms of land conflicts improving the legislative and judicial system of land expropriation
exist in different countries. Land conflicts in Kenya are mostly on and demolition are crucial to resolving relevant conflicts. In the
water use (Campbell, Helen, Mwangi, & Chege, 2000). Simmons ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) region, a series of
(2004) pointed out that land conflicts in Brazil are related to complex issues, including political, economic, and social problems,
valuable timber and farmland. In a large number of developing which lead to judicial or non-judicial redress. Thus, it is difficult to
W. Zhou et al. / Habitat International 63 (2017) 79e88 81

protect the rights of involved parties in conflicts caused by LAR (Sheldon, 1970). The factors in the system interact with each other,
(Kemp & Owen, 2016). India is a good example. Although “law and result in the final decision being made. Group models hold that
struggles” are collective actions for the protection of rights interaction relationship between the court and the members of
conferred by law, parties involved in conflicts caused by LAR pro- society determines the final judicial judgment; therefore, several
mote legislation and judicial redress to safeguard their own in- factors (political parties, interest groups, enterprises, workers, and
terests and achieve positive results (Kumar & Kerr, 2012; Nielsen & minorities) must be considered in the judicial judgment (Sheldon,
Nielsen, 2015). 1970). The recent attitude model analyzes the judicial decisions
Various Chinese legal scholars have examined the systems of of the Supreme Court of the United States, which claim that justices
judicial redress and judicial remedies on the conflicts caused by attempt to hear the cases in accordance with their own policy
LAR. China's judicial remedy to land acquisition disputes is two- preferences and value judgments (Jeffrey et al., 2012). In this paper,
fold. At the macro level, the judicial department issued the “guid- the researchers will analyze judicial decisions by establishing the
ing case”, “judicial approval”, and other documents to guide na- judicial model. In this model, judicial decisions are categorized as
tional court decisions for judicial resolutions (SPC, 2012; SPC, 2014). either docking or blocking. In the process of reviewing and
At the micro level, unlike general cases, courts solve land acquisi- assessing the administrative action of an administrative depart-
tion cases spontaneously for courts to make decisions for judicial ment, the judicial department will choose to dock administrative
resolutions. Based on the case study, scholars believe that the two action (assessing the legality of an administrative action) or block
factors, namely, legislative loopholes and illegal government, (evaluating the violation of an administrative action) for compre-
interfered with judicial decisions to resolve conflicts related to LAR. hensive assessment. Docking means judicial authorities approved
Liu (2012a) analyzed the existing “two rules for examination and the administrative action of an administrative department in the
approval (liang sheng pi)” in the administrative decision system. By final judgment and will use forcible power to carry out a judgment.
using the imposition of the administrative lawsuit in Xuzhou as a Blocking means the judicial department denied administrative
case study, the author believes that the loopholes in existing actions and will also use law enforcement to implement the
administrative expropriation system left a leeway for illegal land blocking of a referee when necessary. In the normative and prac-
expropriation and increased the pressure on the justice system. Liu tical considerations of the large system, the line of docking and
(2007) compared the Kelo v. City of New London with “anti-mover” blocking will gradually become a complex 3-D docking and block-
cases in Chongqing City. The author found that Chinese land ing net, as shown in Fig. 1, which allows final judicial judgments to
legislation has problems on unfair compensation standards, unjust move from theoretical neutrality to both ends of the spectrum.
progress, and the lack of judicial protection of the parties of LAR. In Judicial decisions of the docking and blocking net can be obtained
the Administrative Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China, from the public documents of verdict. Therefore, the key factors
the judiciary branch does not have the right to amend unjust leg- considered by judicial departments in the cases of LAR can be
islations, thereby increasing the burden on judicial bodies to identified by examining the docking and blocking net characterized
resolve conflicts. Liu (2012b) analyzed several cases and concluded in such verdict documents.
that the executive branch illegally interferes with the operation of
the judiciary branch, resulting in a large number of LAR conflicts.
Existing research in China shows that judicial decisions and reso- 3.3. Data source
lutions on LAR are affected by various factors. Therefore, this study
aims to investigate the regular pattern of judicial decision on LAR Disputes on LAR occur frequently because of rapid urbanization
through Zhejiang's 901 administrative litigation cases. in the coastal province of Zhejiang. The documents involved in this
study are written judgment, which are open accessed and con-
3. Research methods taining sufficient information. Other types of legal documents, e.g.
reconciliation agreement, are excluded due to their incompleteness
3.1. Research design and difficulty to access. In addition, existing studies find that the

This study uses case statistical research of legal documents as

Judicial decision
suggested by Jin to identify the regular pattern of judicial decision
on LAR (2015). This approach can be employed to analyze verdicts,
journal articles, papers on law and policy, academic works, and
other relevant documents to discuss legal problems and draw
conclusions. Textual information was used to examine the process
of judicial decisions in courts when deciding a verdict. Data from
official sources were utilized because of their quality and reliability,
which help ensure comprehensiveness. The nomological basis of trial
this paper is summarized in the following sub-section.

3.2. Nomological basis Cause of lawsuits

Temporal- Other
Nomological basis is necessary to establish the model for anal- hierarchical judicial Behavior of
setting defendants
ysis (Jeffrey Harold, & Liu, 2012). In modern jurisprudence, the
judicial model is used to study judicial decisions, which are affected
by various factors. Institutional models (Schubert, 1967) describe
and forecast court decisions within the existing judicial system Case facts
(such as institutions, laws, constitutions, and rules of judicial pro-
cedure). The system model assumes that the legal dispute is a kind
of input mechanism, the judge is a type of conversion unit, and the
judgment is a kind of output mechanism in the judicial system Fig. 1. Docking and blocking net model of this research.
82 W. Zhou et al. / Habitat International 63 (2017) 79e88

major stakeholders are local government departments and land- 4.2. Docking and blocking net of the expected behavior of
lost farmers. Therefore this research merely considers administra- defendants
tive litigation, in which the local government department is the
defendant. The current study therefore selects relevant judgment Administrative departments involved in LAR are classified ac-
documents from the database of China Judgments Online, which is cording to their functions. These departments include all levels of
open accessed (China Judgments Online, 2016). The keywords government and its agencies, departments of land and resources,
“administrative case”, “Zhejiang Province”, and “land acquisition or housing and urbanerural development, and some enterprises.
land resettlement” were used to search for relevant verdict docu- Codefendants are involved in this case. Thus, the statistical results
ments. A preliminary 1155 judgment documents were obtained indicate that all defendants were sued more than 901 times.
and 901 judgment documents were finally identified by excluding Table 3 and Fig. 4 summarize the winning rate of plaintiffs
all irrelevant and duplicated cases. charging against various levels of government and relevant de-
The researchers chose three common factors that affect judicial partments, whereas department of Land and Resources, govern-
decisions, namely, jurisdiction, defendant, and cause of action, ment, and Department of Affordable Housing and Housing
which are extracted from the written judgment documents. China's Authority account the largest three number of cases. The number of
administrative litigation differs from that in other countries. lawsuits filed against the departments of Land and Resources is
Administrative decisions include revocation and partial revocation, 466, among which the city bureau of land and resources accounts
confirmation of the law, remaking, confirmed invalidity, and the largest part. The winning rate varies at the level of department
rejection. The researchers will define decisions that benefit a of land and resources. In total, 42 lawsuits were won against the
plaintiff as a winning case, whereas the decisions to dismiss the department of land and resources. Lawsuits were not filed against
plaintiffs' claim are referred to a losing case. the provincial department of land. Plaintiffs won in 15 cases filed
against the city bureau of land and resources. In addition, 80 law-
suits against the land reserve center, a special department in China,
4. Findings and evidence were filed. The plaintiffs won 13 cases against the land reserve
4.1. Statistics of cases according to the temporal-hierarchical The total number of cases filed against the government at all
judicial setting levels is 285, among which the county and district government
accounts the largest part. It should also be noticed that the winning
The winning rate of the 901 cases is analyzed according to rate of plaintiffs varies at the level of government. Among these
temporal-hierarchical judicial setting, as shown in Table 1 and cases, the number of lawsuits that supported the plaintiffs is 69.
Fig. 2. The winning rate of administrative litigation cases of LAR in Lawsuits against the Zhejiang provincial government to support
Zhejiang Province is comparatively higher. For example, the overall plaintiffs have not been charged. Moreover, plaintiffs won in 7
winning rate of the 901 administrative litigation cases of Zhejiang lawsuits filed against municipal governments, 42 lawsuits filed
Province was 16.32%. Yet the plaintiffs' overall winning rate in against county and district governments, 12 lawsuits filed against
administrative litigation cases in the People's Court at all levels in district government-dispatched institutions (sub-district office and
the entire China was 9.1% from 2010 to 2014 (Wang, 2015). Thus, the other units), and 10 lawsuits filed against town governments.
overall winning rate of LAR cases in Zhejiang Province is 179% that A total of 133 lawsuits were filed against the Department of
of administrative cases in the entire China. In particular, the first- Affordable Housing and Housing Authority. Among these cases, 123
instance charge rate is 20.27% for the 901 cases, whereas the cases were against city bureau of affordable housing and housing
2014 Case Report of Zhejiang Provincial Court of Judicial Review authority, and 10 cases were against the office of city apartment
shows that the first instance of overall administrative cases in and rural housing. The number of winning lawsuits against the
Zhejiang Province was 13.9%, which was lower than 16.32% in the Department of Affordable Housing and Housing Authority is 17.
LAR cases in Zhejiang Province (ZPHP, 2015). Cases against the office of city apartment and rural housing were
The cases were further classified into three types according to not filed in support of the plaintiffs.
the hierarchical level of court, namely, basic people's courts, in- Besides to the mentioned three largest defendants, the project
termediate people's court, and higher people's court, according to headquarters, a temporary organization, were sued as co-
the hierarchy of China's administrative judicial system. As shown in defendants of the Department of Land and Resources and the
Table 2 and Fig. 3, the distribution of the plaintiffs' winning rate is housing sector in 91 cases. The number of winning cases was 16. A
uneven. Based on the charge court level, the winning rate in the total of 19 cases were filed against various standing offices of
basic people's courts is slightly lower than 16.32%, the average project headquarters. Plaintiffs won eight of the cases.
winning rate of the 901 administrative litigation cases. The rate of In summary, if the cases are classified according to the admin-
cases in the intermediate people's court is higher than the average istration hierarchy, the statistics can be found in Table 4 and Fig. 5.
winning rate. In particular, the winning rate of the first-instance The lawsuits against the county and district level take the largest
cases in the intermediate people's court was higher than the part, following by sub-district office and town level. This is common
average winning rate by over two times. The winning rate of the as the county and district level administration organizations
high people's court of Zhejiang Province is less than half of the implement most of LAR in practice. The winning rate, however, is
average winning rate. different from the number of cases. The winning rate against the
sub-district office and town level is the highest with 36.07%, which
is followed by that against county and district level with 25.51%.
Table 1
Yet, the winning rate against municipal level and provincial level is
Comparison of winning rate for 901 cases at different system levels.
much lower than the average winning rate of the 901 cases.
System-level Winning rate Proportion of case

first charge 20.27% 58.05% 4.3. Statistics of causes of lawsuits

second charge 10.16% 41.51%
retrial 66.7% 0.33% From the perspective of litigation practice, different adminis-
recharge 100% 0.11%
trative actions and the same administrative actions at different
W. Zhou et al. / Habitat International 63 (2017) 79e88 83

First charge

Average winning rate 20.27%

of the whole sample

0 10.16 Second
Recharge % % charge



Fig. 2. Comparison of winning rate for 901 cases at different system levels.

Table 2 stages will be charged as a case. Among the 18 types of adminis-

Comparison of winning rate for 901 cases charged at different levels of courts. trative actions recorded in case files, seven types of specific
Court hierarchy Winning rate Proportion of case administrative actions and three kinds of special administrative
basic people's courts 15.2% 45.17%
actions are included in the statistical analysis. The seven types of
intermediate people's court 18.72% 46.84% specific administrative actions include administrative licensing,
higher people's court 5.56% 8.10% administrative coercion, administrative adjudication, administra-
tive compensation, administrative expropriation, administrative
confirmation, and administrative penalty (He, 2011). The three
kinds of special administrative actions include breach of legal
duties, administrative reconsideration, and information disclosure.
Administrative recognition, administrative approval, administra-
tive announcements, administrative commitment, administrative
registration, administrative response, administrative orders, and
other administrative acts are also included in the statistical anal-
ysis, as shown in Table 5 and Fig. 6. Among different causes of
lawsuits, administrative adjudication, administrative licensing, and
information disclosure takes the largest three parts of the cases.
The number of lawsuits against administrative adjudication is
345. Revocations of illegal administrative adjudication or requests
to declare illegal administrative adjudication is 327 with a winning
rate of 11.93%. The number of cases that require the admissibility on
administrative adjudication is 13 with a winning rate of 15.38%. It is
noticed that the winning rate of lawsuits against administrative
adjudication is lower than the average winning rate of the 901
cases. A total of 167 lawsuits were filed against administrative
Fig. 3. Comparison of winning rate for 901 cases charged at different levels of courts.

Table 3
Comparison of winning rate for 901 cases with different administrative departments.

Administrative organs Winning rate Number of cases

governments 24.21% 285

departments of land and resources 9.01% 466
department of Housing and UrbaneRural 16.24% 117
department of affordable housing and housing authority 12.78% 133
headquarters 17.58% 91
office 72.73% 19
84 W. Zhou et al. / Habitat International 63 (2017) 79e88


Office 72.73% 24.21% Departments of land

and resources

Average winning rate

of the whole sample 9.01%

17.58% 16.24%
12.78% Department of Housing and

Department of affordable housing and

housing authority

Fig. 4. Comparison of winning rate for 901 cases with different administrative departments.

Table 4 licensing is lower than the average winning rate of the 901 cases. A
Comparison of winning rate for 901 cases with different levels of administrative total of 126 cases involved information disclosure. Among these
cases, 90 cases required re-disclosure with a winning rate of
Administrative hierarchy Winning rate Number of case 22.22%. The number of cases on the revocations of non-disclosure is
Provincial level 0% 17 36 with a winning rate of 25%. Unlike that of cases against
Municipal level 8.37% 79 administrative adjudication and administrative licensing, the
county and district level 25.51% 648 winning rate of information disclosure is much higher than the
sub-district office and town level 36.07% 370
average winning rate of the 901 cases. This figure kind of represents
the progress of information disclosure pushed by the people.

licensing. The number of revocations of permits or requests to

declare illegal permits (majority are permits to LAR) is 82 with a 5. Analysis and discussion
winning rate of 1.18%. The number of revocations of permit ex-
tensions or requests to declare illegal extensions of permits (ma- 5.1. Effects of the temporal-hierarchy judicial setting
jority are permits to LAR) is 85 with a winning rate of 14.63%. It is
reminded that the winning rate of lawsuits against administrative To fully understand the effects of temporal-hierarchical judicial

Provincial level

Average winning rate

of the whole sample

Sub-district office 36.07% 0% 8.37%

and town level Municipal level


County and district level

Fig. 5. Comparison of winning rate for 901 cases with different levels of administrative departments.
W. Zhou et al. / Habitat International 63 (2017) 79e88 85

Table 5 docking and blocking net of the first-instance will be made even
Comparison of winning rate for 901 cases with different causes of lawsuits. without a charge. Therefore, this practice does not usually support
Administrative actions Winning rate Number of case plaintiffs because losing in a first-instance case usually implies
administrative licensing 7.78% 167
weak legitimacy in the normal judicial process.
information disclosure 23.02% 126
administrative coercive 46.88% 32 5.2. Effects of expected behavior of the defendants
administrative reconsideration 3.49% 86
administrative adjudication 12.17% 345
administrative compensation 35.71% 14 A high uneven winning rate of plaintiffs against different de-
administrative acquisition 45.45% 22 fendants was observed. The average winning rate of the 901
administrative confirmation 43.48% 23 administrative litigation cases is 16.32%. The winning rate of cases
administrative penalty 20% 15
against high levels of the government and the public sector is lower
breach of legal duties 27.02% 37
than the average winning rate. By contrast, the winning rate of



Administrative Administrative
licensing 23.02% adjudication

Average winning rate 3.49%

7.78% 12.17%
of the whole sample
27.02% 35.71%
20% Administrative
Breach of
legal dutles

Administrative Administrative
penalty acquisition


Fig. 6. Comparison of winning rate for 901 cases with different causes of lawsuits.

setting, both winning rate and China's Court System must be cases against the basic levels of the government and public sector is
analyzed. The winning rate varies with court level because of the higher than the average winning rate. High levels of administration
judicial practices. Administrative Litigation Law of the People's departments have great administrative power. Thus, the decision of
Republic of China stipulates that most basic level government de- the docking and blocking net will likely be against plaintiffs. A
partments are charged in the intermediate court. However, the judicial referee is related to the behavior of the subject rather than
winning rate of plaintiffs is comparatively higher than charges in the subject itself. Thus, we can infer that the anticipation difference
other levels of courts because of the rooted weakness of legal of the dockingeblocking net is caused by the behavioral differences
administration in the basic government departments. This aspect of the administrative departments. The difference is caused by
will be examined further in the following subsections. Second- various factors. Administrative departments are particularly sen-
instance cases have a lower winning rate than first-instance sitive to boundaries between legal and illegal actions as well as
cases. Zhu (2013) found that the winning rate of second-instance boundaries between reasonable and unreasonable actions. Thus,
cases that favor the plaintiffs is only 6.4% in China (Zhu, 2013). these departments usually attempt to approach boundaries be-
According to Article 87 of the Administrative Litigation Law of the tween legitimate and reasonable judgments. With substantial legal
People's Republic of China, second-instance cases will review the resources and knowledge, high-level administrative departments
docking and blocking net of the first-instance cases by examining easily integrate consciousness and behavior to reach decisions of
documents and conducting inquiries. When new evidences are not docking and blocking net. However, this process is difficult for the
included in the second-instance, a final decision based on the basic level administrative departments because of inadequate
86 W. Zhou et al. / Habitat International 63 (2017) 79e88

judicial resources. Moreover, the government's interference and As a quasi-judicial procedure, administrative reconsideration
negative attitude toward judicial departments also increase the has a closer characteristic to the referee compared with the ordi-
costs in reaching a fair judgment in the docking and blocking net. nary administrative behavior. Thus, once reconsideration is made,
The interference and negative attitude affect the entire process of these decisions will less likely be changed by the court. In second-
the judicial system. Therefore, the new “Administrative Litigation instance cases, for example, good decisions are more difficult to
Law of the People's Republic of China” banned such behavior in its achieve for a reconsidered case for the plaintiff than a case without
third article. High-level administrative departments are willing to reconsideration. According to the analysis of the judgment of a
affect the decisions of the docking and blocking net with effect and subject's expected behavior by dockingeblocking net, the results of
resources. However, the basic level administrative department is the government's review are more consistent with the net's
unable or unwilling to do so. expectation than other administrative behavior. Similar to admin-
istrative reconsideration, administrative adjudication has a closer
5.3. Effects of the cause of lawsuits characteristic of judicial referee compared with the ordinary
administration. Thus, once a referee is made, the referee is less
For plaintiffs, the cases can be identified as administrative likely to be changed by the court. The analysis of the judgment on a
coercion, administrative acquisition, administrative confirmation, subject's expected behavior by dockingeblocking net indicates that
administrative compensation, failure to perform government the results of government's referees are more consistent with the
duties, administrative penalty, information disclosure, adminis- net's expectation than other administrative behavior. Compared
trative adjudication, and administrative reconsideration according with other cases, cases merely claiming compensation are easier to
to the descending winning rate. The winning rate of the first seven achieve in anticipation of the dockingeblocking net, thereby
types of cases is higher than the average winning rate of 16.32%. obtaining support.
Administrative coercion cases have the highest winning rate. The The winning rate of administrative behavior directly involves
winning rate of administrative coercion cases is 2.87 times higher administrative coercion, administrative penalty, and failure to
than the average winning rate. Administrative reconsideration perform statutory duties is 1.22e2.87 times higher than the
cases have the lowest winning rate. The winning rate of adminis- average winning rate. Disclosure of government information is a
trative reconsideration cases is only 23.23% of the average winning gray area that can easily be illegal, and the winning rate is 1.41
rate. The winning rate of cases related to administrative compen- times higher than that of the average winning rate. For cases with
sation is twice as high as the average winning rate. the three lowest winning rates, administrative adjudication is an
The causes of action play an important role in the promotion of administrative act with quasi-judicial concerns, administrative
plaintiffs' winning rate. However, different causes of action can be acquisition involves the interest of many departments, whereas
attributed to various reasons. This result is consistent with the administrative reconsideration includes both problems. Quasi-
litigation strategy that uses information disclosure as a means of judicial conduct and important interests involved in cases will
litigation. This litigation mode used the loopholes of the “Regula- enable administrative authorities to examine the legality of actions
tions on government information disclosure” to require the gov- carefully. An administrative department will spend more resources
ernment to frequently disclose information, even when this process in interfering with the docking and blocking net of judgment.
is not timely or does not meet the statutory form (Qin et al., 2015). Statistics show that the winning rate of administrative acquisition
Through this strategy, a plaintiff and his or her lawyers force the and administrative reconsideration is slightly less than 50% of the
government to disclose the required information, thereby facili- average winning rate.
tating the next step of litigation for the parties. These practices can A plaintiffs' claim must be presented before forming the dock-
increase the cost of litigation and lay litigation pressure on gov- ingeblocking net because of the passivity of the judicial referee.
ernment agencies by frequently filing lawsuits and wasting gov- This practice enables the plaintiffs to obtain the first-move
ernment resources (Gao, 2015). The failure to fulfill government advantage in the lawsuit. For the plaintiff, not all claims are
information disclosure obligation, non-standard governmental in- worth pursuing. However, a plaintiff must make the final judgment
formation disclosure, and the lack of administrative litigation of the dockingeblocking net conducive after presenting claims. Any
experience for some township governments or land and environ- litigation entails cost. Thus, a rational plaintiff will choose claims
mental protection departments significantly increased the failure with high winning rate. Therefore, the rational plaintiff will predict
rate of such cases (ZPHP, 2015). In the “Ten cases of government the judgment of docking-blocking net based on different appeals.
information disclosure” written by the Supreme People's Court of When predictable results tend to be successful, the tendency for the
the People's Republic of China, seven cases were related to LAR plaintiff to use this appeal is high. However, when the possibility
(SPC, 2015). that predictable results tend to fail is high, the tendency for a
Judicial decisions are evidently inclined to plaintiffs in cases of plaintiff to use this appeal is low. Thus, the high winning rate of
administrative coercion. The first reason for this inclination is that, administrative coercive cases is a result of plaintiffs’ optimal se-
in administrative coercive cases, the plaintiffs' appeals are suffi- lections. The dockingeblocking net will only consider the behavior
ciently clear for the court to reach a general winning result. Evident of both sides involved in the conduct of the lawsuit. Under this
problems exist in the government departments, which result in the premise, a plaintiff can pressure an administrative department
winning of the plaintiffs during the process of judicial referees. through various ways in the litigation process, causing the
These cases are also usually related to previous successful cases, administrative departments to be slack in the judicial adjudication
which provide important evidence that leads to winning results. process. This approach would also cause the final judgment of
The second reason is that plaintiffs increased the government's cost dockingeblocking net to be inclined towards plaintiffs reasonably
through mass incidents and petitioning, which indirectly affected and legally.
the judicial department's decision on a charge. However, cases that
require the declaration of an act as illegal have a higher winning 6. Conclusions
rate compared with that of cases that require revocation of the
administrative coercive action because the court's cancellation of This study aims to identify the regular patterns of jurisdictions
administrative enforcement will entail high losses to the in the field of LAR in Zhejiang Province by examining 901 admin-
government. istrative litigation cases. The results indicate a strong correlation
W. Zhou et al. / Habitat International 63 (2017) 79e88 87

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