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I have decided to design Electrical toothbrushes along with mobile Application connected to brush

specially for the kids of age 2-7 years.

1. This brushes will be small in length so that small kids can catch it properly, with attractive
pictures on them along with small round oscillating or rotating heads.
2. It will have vibration From very weak to strong mode upto kids choice with extra soft
3. It will also have a tongue cleaner as a normal brush and special toothbrush case for it so that
it can be carried easily anywhere .
4. Iam also thinking to keep English rhymes in build and even Bluetooth connection so that
while brushing they can enjoy themselves and get completely awake from sleep.
5. Then it will also have 2 minutes timer function for brushing as well as built in sensor that
can track and keep records of your kids teeth either daily ,monthly ,quarterly or yearly which
parents can check through an app connected to the toothbrush.
6. An app will aso be created specially for these toothbrushes which will be connected with it
and parents can check their child’s improvement and decrement through it.
7. This app will have data record of a child and when parents feel they can enquire with our
services regarding issues they are facing and we will anytime provide them with suggestions
as well as these app will provide them all the teachings regarding how to brush and
8. Basically , these brushes will be waterproof , electric shock proof and will have built in
electric USB charging mode and after charging once it will work almost for 15 days.

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