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The society requires skilled politicians.

In a world where we’re suffering from great lack

of skilled politicians, there is something that we’re lacking more: honest politicians.

First of all, my intend to be a leader does not come from thirst of power, nor from thirst
of money. My intend to be a leader comes from passion for helping people. I was longing for
something to make me feel useful, to make me feel political aware. I was trying to change the
labour policies so that an Romanian citizen would not be forced to leave its country. I was trying
to improve the labour system so that young people would not face the major issue of
unemployment. I have tried to do all of this so that your world would look as it looks in my
plans: jobs for everyone, poverty for none.

Secondly, I am reaching for an helping hand. The more I tried to fight the system, the
more I got removed from it. I am not blaming anyone for that, because, in fact, people fear the
change. And there is change that is immediately needed in our system. For change to take place,
there should be a change of perspective and a change of perspective comes only with replacing
the outdated perspective of our actual leaders with ambitious but hard-working, young leaders. In
this step of my plan, you are being the puzzle piece I could not get from a different place. A
voter is lika a sword for an aggrieved soldier. Therefore, I’m asking you to be my sword in the
fight with this corrupted system, so that together we could transpose the world in our dreams to
the reality.

Last, but definitely not least, our system needs specific planification from our political
leaders in order to believe in their leading. If I ever get to be your leader, you will live in a world
where taxes would be minimal, incomes would come to an improvement in a natural way, little
by little, because as I told you, I would be an honest leader. People would not fight the
unemployment issue and the state would invest in technology. Agriculture would be the field I
would choose to enrich by creating new policies that would make us forget about beaureacracy.

All in all, I am standing in front of you exactely as I am, young but experienced, willing
to create a new system, one that would make us live in the world we’re dreaming. In am one of
you and together we are one for this country.

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