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When it comes to public speaking, people tend to be ignoring the main rules of speech

delivering due to emotional causes or lack of information. In this motivational speech, I will
present the three main rules of public speaking that would help each individual deliver the
message properly: enthusiasm, eye-contact and structure.

First of all, one should be aware of the fact that when talking to a few individuals, their
interest vanishes as soon as they realise that the speaker is not 100% interested in the subject
they’re presenting. This way, the speaker should sound enthousiastic, so that the public would
catch interest. When thinking about the subject to be presented, the speaker should consider their
interest in the field, the knowledge they achieved until the present moment and their willingness
to talk about it. In this phase, people can appeal to emotions when choosing the main points,
respecting the limit line.

Secondly, one should be aware of the fact that the eye contact is very important when
trying to deliver a message. Eye contact strenghtents the connection between the public and the
speaker. The speaker should be visualy checking the whole public in order to make them feel
comfortable and to avoid making them feel ignored. However, eye contact is not an easy aspect
of public speaking because the beginner speaker tent to find a spot in the public where they feel
they’re being listened and soft-judged. There is a limit one should consider when using the eye-
contact technique.

Last but not least, one should consider the fact that a structured speech would easily catch
the public’s attention. In the beginning of the speech, one should present the topics they will
sustain, so that people would get a very organized image of what will be discussed. Also, the
structure of the speech should be concise, with a lot of connectors, with very precise
argumentation and without abstract points of view.

To sum up, the public speaking is not something you learn in one day, it takes months of
experience and hard work and the only way you can manage to become better at it is to speak
more often. It is however important to respect a few important rules when doing it.

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