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16 rest, insult the vanquished, make gestures, rant so that the others may believe in my ardor and the sincerity of my convictions. Here’s true wisdom! ‘That the fools and the Quifotes allow themselves to be killed so thiat their ideals may triumph; I wish them to kill themselves so that mine|may triumph, Their ideal is justice, equality, liberty! My ideal 4s to live in peace and plenty! Which is more beautiful and more useful, freedom of the press, for example, or a stuffed capon? Which are greater, equal xights cr some cartridges equally full of gold coins? Equality for equality, I prefer the equality of money which ean be piled up and hidden. Let the friars win, let the Uberals win, the question is to come to an understanding afterwards with the victors. What do I care about the native land, human dignity, progress, patriotism? All that is worthless if one has no money! a8 @ RIZAL'S SPEECH DELIVERED AT THE BANQUET IN MADRID IN HONOR OF THE FILIPINO PAINTERS JUAN LUNA AND FELIX RESURRECCION HIDALGO 25 June 1884) Gerquemen: In speaking before you, I'm not scared by the fear that you may listen to me with Iukewarmness. T come to join to your enthusiasm; ours, the stimulus of youth, and you cannot help but be indulgent. Sympathetic effluvia saturate the atmosphere; fraternal currents run in all directions; generous souls listen; and consequently I do not fear for my humble person. nor do I doubt your beno- volence. Men of goodwill you seek only goodwill, and from that height where noble sentiments reside, you do not perceive petty wifles, you see the whole, and you judge the case, and you extend your hand to one who, like me, desires to join you in one single thought, in one single aspiration—the glory of genius, the splendor of the Mesher- land. (Good, very good! Applause) Here is, in fact, the reason why we are gathered, In the history of nations there ave names that by themselves signify an achievement, that recall passion and greatness, names that, like magic formule, evoke pleasant and smiling thoughts, names that hocome a paet, a symbol of peace, a bond of love between the nations. The names of Luna and Hidalgo belong to these: their glories illuming’ the two extremes of the globe—the East and the West, Spain and the Philippines. In uttering them I believe I see two lumi- nous arches that, starting from both regions, are going to be conte Ww 18 entwined there above, impelled by the feeling of commen origin, and from that height unite two peoples with eternal bonds, two peoples that sea and space separate in vain, two peoples in which the seeds of disunion that men and their despotism blindly sow do not germinate. Luta and Hidalgo are Spanish as well as Philippine glories, ‘They were born in, the Philippines but they could have been born in Spain because genfus knows no country, genius ‘sprouts everywhere, genius is like light, air, the patrimony of everybody, cosmopolitan like space, like life, lke God. (Applause) ‘The patriarchal the Philippines is waning. deeds of her illustrious. sons are peace Wasted oe at home. The oriental chrysalis is leaving the cocoon. ‘The morrow of a long day for those regions is announced in brilliant tints and rose-colored dawns, and that race, fallen into letaargy during the historic night while the sun illumines other continents, again awakens, moved by ‘the electric impact that contact with Western peoples pro- duces, and she demands light, lifo, the civilization thet at one time they bequeath her, thus confirming the eternal Jaws of constent evolution, of change, of periodicity, of Progress. You know this well.and you exult in it. To you is cue the beauty of the diamonds that the Philippines wears in her crown, She produced the precious stones; Europe gave them polish. And all of us contemplate proudly your work; we are the flame, the breath, the material furnished, (Bravos!) They imbibed over there the poetry of nature—a nature ‘grandiose and terrible in its cataclysms, in its evolutions, in its dynamism; a nature, sweet, tranguil, and melancholy in its manifestation constant, static; a nature that stamps its seal on all that it crestes and produces. Its children carry it wherever they go. Analyze if not their character, 19 their works, and however slightly you may know that people, you. will see it in everything as forming their knowledge, as. the soul that. presides over everything, es the spring of the mechanism, as the substantial, form, as the raw. material. It is not possible not to reflect on what one's self feels, it is not.possible to be one something else. The contradictions are only: apparent, they are only paradoxes. In El Spoliarium, through that canvas that is riot mute, can be heard the tumult of the, multitude, the shouting of the. slaves, the. metallic creaking. of the armor of the corpses, the sobs of the bereaved, the murmurs of prayer, with such vigor and realism. hears,the din of thunder in the midst of the crash of the cataracts or the impressive and dreadful tremor of the. earthquake. ‘The same nature that engenders such: phenomena inter venes .elso. in those. strokes. On. the other. hand, in Hidalgo’s. painting the purest sentiment throbs, ideal ex» pression of melancholy, beauty, and weakness, victims of brute foree; and it is because Hidalgo was born under. the brilliant azure of that sky, to the cooing of its sea breezes, in the midst of the serenity of its lakes, the. poetry: of! its valleys, and the majestic harmony of its mountains and ranges. For that reason in. Luna's are the shadows, the contrasts, the moribund lights, mystery, and the terrible, like the reverberation of the dark. tempests of the tropics, the lightning and the roaring irruptions of their volcanoes. For that reason Hidalgo is all light, color, harmony, feeling, limpidity, like the Philippines in her moonlight nights, on her tranquil days, with her horizons that invite to medita- tion, and where the infinite lulls. And both, despite being so distinct in themselves, in appearance at least, coincide at bottom, as all our hearts do in spite of notable differences. In reflecting on their palette the splendiferous rays of, un fading glory with which they surround their Native Land, 20 Both express the spirit of our social, moral, and political life: mankind subjected to harsh tests: unredeemed man- kind: reeson and aspiration in an open struggle with pre- occupations, fanaticism, and injustices, because sentiments and opinions cut passage through the thickest walls, be- cause to them all bodies have pores, all are transparent, and if thay lack pen, if the press does not help them, the palette and brushes will not only delight the eye but will also be eloquent tributes. If the mother teaches her child her language in order that she may understand his joys, his necessities, or his sorrows, Spain, as mother, teaches also her language to the Philippines in spite of the opposition of those myopic men and pigmies, who, desiring to insure the present, do not see the future, do not weigh the consequences— rachitic wet nurses, corrupt and corrupters, who tend to inguish all legitimate feeling, who, perverting the hearts of the people, sow in them the germs of discord in order to reap later the fruit, the aconite, the death of future genera- tions. But, I forget those miseries! Peace: to those who are dead, because the dead are dead; they lack breath, soul, and worms co:rode them! Let us not evoke their dismal memory; Jet us not bring their stench into the midst of our rejoicings! Fortunately, brothers are larger in number; generosity and nobility are innate under the ely of Spain: all of you are a patent proof of that, You have responded unanimously; you have helped and you would have done more if more had been asked of you. Seated to share our supper and to honor the illustrious sons of the Philippines, you honor also Spain because you have done very,;well. ‘The boundaries of Spain are neither the Atlantic nor the Cantabrian nor the Mediterranean—it would be ignominious for the water to place dam to her grandeur, to her idea Spain is there, there where her. beneficent influence is a felt, and though her flag might disappear, ‘there would remain her memory, eternal, imperishable. What does a piece of red and yellow cloth matter, what do xifles and cannon matter, there where a feeling of love, of tenderness, does not sprout, there where no fusion of ideas, unity of principles, harmony of opinions exist? (Prolonged applause) Tuna and Hidalgo belong as much to you as to us; you Jove them and we see in them generous hops, precious examples, The Filipino youth in Europe, ever enthusiastic, ‘and others whose hearts always remain young for the dis- jnterestedness? and enthusiasm that characterize their actions, offer to Luna a crown, a modest gift, small indeed for our enthusiasm, but the most spontaneous and the most voluntary of all the gifts hitherto presented to him, But the gratitude of the Philippines towards her illustrious sons was not yet satisfied, anddesiring to give free rein to the thoughts that bubble in the mind, to the sentiments that abound in the heart, and to the words that escape from the lips, we have all come here to this banquet to join our wishes, in order to, give form to the mutual embrace of two races that love one allother and like one ancther, morally, socially, and politically united for a period of four cen turies, so that they may form in the future one single nation in spirit, in their duties, in thei views, in their pri- vileges. - (Applause) Tdrink then to the health of our artists Luna and Hidalgo, legitimate and pure glories of two peoples! I drink to the hhealth of the persons who have lent them a helping hand on the dolorous path of art. I drink to the health of the Tin the cooy ul fomencfe « Livia, by Toss Rovden y Abell, men wiht: Tats Ree ABBE DE teak Madrid, 197, pp. 94-98, iis desinterds. We have iollowed ee tor ioeming to be im consonance with the meaning of the whole wre a neta, Vide y Bacio del Dr, Jord Riz, Vielotiano Suet, hs aes aE adn hn 5 hunt SL 22 Filipino youth, sacred hope of my Native Land, thet they may imitate such precious examples so that Mother Spain, solicitous and heedful of the welfare of her provinces, implement soon the reforms she has contemplated for a Jong time. The furrow is ready and the ground is not sterile! And I drink finally for the happiness of chose parents who, deprived of the tenderness of their children, from those distant regions follow them with moist eyes and palpitating hearts across seas and space, sacrificing on the altar of the common welfare the sweet consolations that are so scarce in the twilight of life, precious and lonely winter flowers that sprout along the snow-white borders of the grave. (Warm applause, congratulations to the oretor.) oe oe NOTE ON THE MAREMAGNUM. “T am absolutely certain from writings that I gathered later in Manila, when the stupendous works of this great Martyr for the cause of our Country's freedom, were honored, that this majestic and solemn dedication was delivered by the worthy doctor, changing some words, at the Archbishop's Palace in Manila, on occasion of the arrivel of the eminent Captain General, the illustrious Don Carlos Maria de la Torre.”* ‘Mapex, 26, June, 1887. (Sgd.) José Rrzan is a note writen by Dr. José Rizal below the dedicstory remarks sm on topy ofthe Marmagnum of Fiber Jove & Burgos Tt va taken from T gypevrliten copy of the same Bock, whish was edited by Mz. Hermenegiido Cruz who intended to publish it, but who, for reasons unknown, did not ‘continue the plan. The date and place of the note could not be satisfactorily Shplained sx Des Rial appurendy was not in Madrid in June, 1897. (Dr. Le Leper ual) B

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