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Drama and Prose in Education

Setting Analysis “The Boy Comes Home”

By : Ajeng Zazabilla .K
NIM : 201710401982
English Education Dept. VI

A. Setting of Place :
 Dinning room in Uncle James’s house in the Cromwell Road, England, when the day
after the war.
Quote : “(from the dining-room). Is he in a hurry?”
 Morning room
Quote : “Apparently he finds nothing there, for he returns to the morning-room,....”

B. Setting of Time :
 10 A.M
Quote : “ It is ten o'clock, and he wants his breakfast”

C. Setting of the atmosphere :

 Wrought-up
Quote :
o “I should have been terrified.”
o “You're quite right; you're not that sort. I made a mistake. (Aiming carefully)
I shall have to do it straight off, after all. One--two—“
o “No, no; you come here. (He gives PHILIP the armchair and sits by the table
himself.) I should be dropping off again. (He laughs awkwardly.)”

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