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sume Hs OOOS) The Latest on the Biopharmaceutical Industry's Efforts to Beat Coronavirus ‘America's begharmaceutcal companies ate commited te developing seltions to help dlagnase and teat these with COVID-8, a dsease ‘caused by a novel strain of coronavirus. Inaction to applying their cientic expertise to find ways to diagnose, treat and prevent infections ‘tom the vu, the blopharmaceutiea!Inéustr is proving fhanclal support and in-kind donations te organizations ane collaborating with US. and glebal neath authorites te combat this global publc health emergency. Mare than half of PARMA members have R&D for potential ‘eoslments ane vaccines under way of are providing donations of macicines and erieal mecieal supplies as well a providing financial donations to support patents and fst responders in addressing this evolving criss Our Commitment to Beat Coronavirus ‘March 17, 2020 In theze unprecedented ties, we are coming together to achieve one shared goal te best COVID-9, The decavessong investments we have mage in new technalegy research ang treatments have prepared us to act sity + We are rapidly screening our vest global lsraes of medicines to Idently potential treatments and have numerous cna tals underway to test new and existing therapies + We are dedicating our top scientists and using our investments in new technologies to speed the development of safe and elective + We are sharing the learnings trom clinical alsin realtime with governments and other companies to advance the development of scdtionsl therapies + We are expancing our unique manufacturing eapabities and shating avallale expacty to rama up pracucton once a successful medicine or vaccine is developed + We are collaborating with government agencies, hospitals, doctors and ethers to donate supalies and medicines tohelpthase afected sroune the world + We are working with governments and insurers to ensure that when new treatments an vaccines are approved they willbe avallable nd stordable for patients ‘We all have unique roles to play and are confident that together we can be successful, And we won't rest until we are. Download the Biopharmaceutical Industry Principles on Beating Coronavirus. © From puama nber Combat Dutbr 48 Tie Full Name Aasress Zp Mobie Email @ Send me emails about this campaign Request Coronavirus Updates and Alerts +) ely and state not requires Submit > @ Send me text messages about this campaign WATCH VIDEO Doing Our Part to Fight Coronavirus Related Resources WATCH VIDEO Innovation Fighting COVID.1g © wew more resources STAY Connected 28 (MEMBERS SITE CONTACT US PRIVACY POLICY TERMS OF SERVICE SITEMAP Pharmaceutical ezeatch and Manufacturers of Ames 1950 F Street MW Sule 300, Washington, BC 20008 ese be avec this pave costs pelos To en mere bout lags ee See ee artes se ataps ahh hase tec yout ates aly see 38

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