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Audrian Weaver

Karen Green
Foundations Of Prek-4 Education

“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” (Zig Ziglar)
This quote stuck out to me for many reasons. Growing up not all teachers thought I was
an ideal student, academically, and emotionally. Due to life altering family
circumstances I had to grow up faster than I would have liked, as well as carry a lot of
stress on my shoulders. All while trying to maintain grades and healthy relationships.
It wasn’t until a teacher took the time to ask “ Are you okay? “How is your home life?”
Those questions opened the doors for me to speak out my hurts and hindrances, for
them to speak life back into me. My attitude did a 180 and following came the grades I
know that I could make. I believe the purpose of education has many elements, not just
to educate. I believe education is going back to the basics and teaching all students
manners, responsibility, self awareness, compassion, culture, and much more. When
teachers dig deep and take the time to get to know each student for who they are and
where they are at, lots of time teachers will find that students don’t have a good home
life. As well as they are struggling in one or all basic life skills, that hinder their ability to
learn. Creating that trust and safe environment allows them to have a space to
somehow separate home from school, hopefully allowing them to thrive. When it comes
to education everyone has a role to play. Students' role in my opinion is to try their best,
and come in each day with an open mind. Open minds is in the same realm as
attitudes. When you have a closed minded attitude you let self doubt and self
sabatoshing take control of your mind. If a student comes into the classroom believing
they’re terrible at math and always will be, they’re already closing themselves off to any
positive information. This will make it harder for them to get better at math. Willingness
to learn makes it easier on not only the teacher but the students. With the attitude of
readiness and willingness creates a posture of learning and you can get through all the
required information as well as what students are interested in. As teachers and
students work together I will not be a teacher who stands on the stage and directs their
Audrian Weaver
Karen Green
Foundations Of Prek-4 Education
every move. I rather give them freedom to dream and innovate. In my classroom
students will have choices. I believe that when you give kids options they thrive. I will
switch things up weekly with the choices, it will depend on what we are learning, some
things require independence and some things are better together. There are many
advantages, but also disadvantages to having a classroom that is collaborative. When
your classroom is collaborative it teaches the students to work together and to
contribute in a team setting. Some of the jobs the students get in the future will require
them to be able to work together. One of the disadvantages is that some students can
do more of the work while others slack off, not showing me what they really know.
That’s where working on your own comes into play. I can access them by having a quiz
or test to see how they retained the information. They can even create a poster and
present it. A fun alternative could even be to make a video or podcast. There are many
on-going roles for the teachers. One of my roles as a teacher is to provide a classroom
setting where each student feels comfortable, and is able to learn to the best of their
ability. In the classroom I don’t want it to just be mine, but our classroom. I would like
each student along with me to take ownership and pride in decorating it. I will have a
space in the classroom called inventors corner, where there will be recyclable things
that when they finish their work they can create something, and then put it on display.
This will help them learn to work together and on their own. Our classroom will also
have a set of rules made by the students and myself. That way if a rule was broken we
can go back to the rules and they can see what their own expectations are. I would like
to have the desks in a huge circle. That way everyone feels included and I can see
everyone. If I have a student with a wheelchair disability that might be helpful so they
can get around to the classroom easier with all the space. I could place that student
close to my desk, and have one of his or her friends sit with them to help out, when we
do activities that require us to move around, or when we leave the classroom. I will also
have things clearly labeled and in organized bins and shelves. Around the walls I would
like to promote diversity and show the different ethnic backgrounds. I will start by putting
Audrian Weaver
Karen Green
Foundations Of Prek-4 Education
my ethnic background, and share all the different countries I have been in. If there are
any other ethnicities in my classroom I will ask the students if it’s okay for them to share
photos, flags, and other memories for our walls. Being a student in elementary and
highschool it was very important to have my parents involved. I would like to implement
the parents as much as possible, but not to the amount where the students would feel
uncomfortable. I would send out monthly newsletters to update, inform, and invite
parents, as well as have my email and personal contact available upon request.
Anytime we would have field trips I would as parents as chaperones, or fun parties we
would invite parents. At the end of the year as an appreciation to the parents for all they
do for the students and I, we would make them a meal and serve them. I believe that no
matter how old, or where you are in your profession or career you have room to grow.
Each year I would have the students and parents fill out an evaluation on how they think
I did, and give me helpful tips to improve for the upcoming year. I will also video one day
each semester to see how I am doing in the classroom. I personally have a heart for
the kids that need a little extra one on one time with the teachers to help them stay up to
speed. I would like to start an after school program in the community that I teach in.
Where all students who would like to participate are welcome. To get extra help with
school work, come and spend time with friends and share a meal. To continue to grow
as a teacher professionally I will continue to talk to the students and the parents for
feedback on what we can do better.

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