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Peak Month

Week 1
Day 1:
1RM Clean and jerk from blocks (mid-thigh)
1RM 2” Deficit straight leg deadlift
6x3 Hoffman method rack pulls (top pin stops bar @mid-thigh level) @70% of max deadlift
from the
beginning pin position (pin 2) (each isometric hold will be 3-5 seconds in length).
6x5 Bent over rows (work up to max, all sets at max)
4x8 Seated rows
250 Green band leg curls
3x10 Bent pendulum reverse hypers (work up to max)

Day 2:
1RM Snatch from blocks (high hang position)
2RM Snatch grip push press
5x complex (3 snatch grip strict press + 3 overhead squats)
8x60m sled pulls @5-6 plates (walk backwards and pull upwards to throat mimicking face pull)
1x100 weighted back extensions
3x10 Bent pendulum reverse hypers
3x1-min weighted plank (max weight)

Day 3:
Speed week 1: Lower body
10x2 muscle cleans @80% of max
5x3 Hoffman method rack pulls (top pin stops bar @above knee level) @60% of max deadlift
from the
beginning pin position or floor (each isometric hold will be 3-5 seconds in length).
3x12 Inverse curls
4x20 Strap reverse hypers
4x20 front banded (purple or black mini) barbell good mornings

Day 4:
Speed week 1: Upper body
5x5 deficit muscle snatch @75%
5x15 DB incline press
5x8 Decline DB Rollbacks
1x150 Triceps extensions with black band
10-min 60-80lb medicine ball power clean + throw
3x1-min weighted plank (max weight)
Week 2
Day 1:
1RM Reverse band clean
5x2 Reverse band clean @ 150% of max reverse band clean
3RM Safety squat bar good morning
1RM seated box jump
6x3 Hoffman method rack pulls (top pin stops bar @hip level) @80% of max deadlift from the
pin position or floor (each isometric hold will be 3-5 seconds in length).
6x3 Wide clean grip bent over rows (work up to max, all sets at max)
5x5 Seated rows (2-second isometric hold each rep)
250 Green band leg curls
2x25 Bent pendulum reverse hypers

Day 2:
1RM power snatch + 2 overhead squat
1RM floor press
4x15 DB bench press (work up to max)
5x5 snatch grip high-pulls from hip @80% of max (flex at hip and extend as you pull for each
8x60m sled pulls @5-6 plates (walk backwards and pull upwards to throat mimicking face pull)
1x100 weighted back extensions
3x10 Bent pendulum reverse hypers
3x1-min weighted plank (max weight)

Day 3:
Speed week 2: Lower body
10x2 muscle cleans + 1 push press @85% of max muscle clean
5x3 Hoffman method rack pulls (top pin stops bar @ hip level) @80% of max deadlift from the
pin position or floor (each isometric hold will be 3-5 seconds in length).
5x6 Inverse curls
250 Green band leg curls
4x20 Strap reverse hypers
3x1-min weighted plank (max weight)

Day 4:
Speed week 2: Upper body
5x5 deficit snatch @75%
6x60m sled pulls @6-8 plates (walk backwards and pull upwards to throat mimicking face pull)
6x3 snatch grip strict press @80% of max snatch grip strict press
2x2 @90% of max snatch grip strict press
1x150 Triceps extensions with black band
10-min 60-80lb medicine ball power clean + throw
Week 3
Day 1 :
1RM Power clean + pause split jerk
1RM deadlift (can substitute sumo-deadlift) from 2” elevation
5x1 complex (clean pull, clean, 2 front squat) @ 90% of clean
6x3 Bent over rows (work up to max, all sets at max)
1x100-150 Leg presses (plyo-swing or leg press machine)
250 Green band leg curls
2x25 Bent pendulum reverse hypers

Day 2:
1RM 2” Deficit snatch
1RM Pause split jerk
5x5 Snatch high-pull from blocks (knee height)
6x2 snatch grip strict press @85% of max snatch strict press
3x15 DB overhead press
3x max reps face pulls
1x150 Triceps extensions with black band

Day 3:
Speed week 3: Lower body
10x1 muscle cleans + 1 push press @90-95% of max muscle
5x3 Hoffman method rack pulls (top pin stops bar @ hip
level) @100-110% of max deadlift from the
beginning knee level (each isometric hold will be 3-5 seconds
in length).
5x6 Inverse curls
1x100-150 Leg presses (plyo-swing or leg press machine)
250 Green band leg curls
4x20 Strap reverse hypers

Day 4:
Speed week 2: Upper body
5x2 deficit muscle snatch @90% of max muscle snatch
6x3 snatch grip push press @80% of max snatch grip push
2x2 @90-95% of max snatch grip push press
6x60m sled pulls @6-8 plates (walk backwards and pull
upwards to throat mimicking face pull)
4x max reps face pulls
1x150 Triceps extensions with black band
3x1-min weighted plank (max weight)
Week 4
Day 1:
6x2 Clean + jerk @60% of max clean
5x3 Clean high-pulls @70% of max clean
100 Green band leg curls
3x1-min weighted plank (max weight)
3x10 Bent pendulum reverse hypers

Day 2:
5x3 Snatch @60% of max snatch
4x6 Bent over rows
3x25 face pulls
1x100 Triceps extensions with red band

Day 3:
Speed week 4: Lower body
4x complex (4 power clean + 2 push press) @ 60% of max power clean
5x3 Inverse curls
1x100-150 Leg presses (plyo-swing or leg press machine)
2x20 Strap reverse hypers

Day 4:
Speed week 4: Upper body
4x complex (2 snatch grip push press + 2 Overhead squat @50% of max snatch grip push press)
3x20 upright rows
1x100 Overhead triceps extensions with red band
3x1-min weighted plank (max weight)

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