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By Hope

Axel Roswell – Kurei General
Hugo Lerwick – Klienth Laag
Sapphire Coleman – Eom Jie Calva
Emcee Crystal Collins – Samantha Liberato
Students – remaining members

Daguinod, Kirsten
Pacho, Trisha
Calva, Eom Jie
Osorio, Rosheen
Liberato, Samantha
Bayeta, Andrea
Ampong, Kiara
General, Kurei
Idea, Ronn
Laag, Kleinth
Buniel, Andre

In a high school auditorium, the tables and chairs are well-arranged as well as the stage are well-
decorated. The students are well-dressed with their gorgeous attires and wore masquerade masks.
There are two boys sitting near the stage and talking about theme for the night.

Hugo: You know what, bud? The twist for tonight’s ball is to wear masquerade masks while
dancing, forming a circle at the dance floor. While the music’s playing, everybody should dance
and will stop dancing when the music stops.

Axel: Oh, really? That’s interesting… Where did you get that info?
Hugo: Oh, I heard it a while ago.
Axel: Ah! I see, it’s quite exciting..
Hugo: Yeah! So exciting! In fact, how lucky is the one who got a chance to become the partner
of Sapphire. Oh, how I wish to be the lucky one.
Axel: Oh, don’t assume too much, bud. (chuckles) You should be like me, it doesn’t matter who
the girl is or who the girls are, as long as she’s beautiful. (smirks)
Narrator: And the ball begins.
Emcee: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Annual JS Prom! It is an honor
and privilege to be the emcee at this momentous occasion. My name is Crystal Collins, the
emcee for the night! Tonight is a spectacular night to remember, the most awaited one. All our
students seemed so beautiful and handsome this night. The girls look elegant with their attire and
the gentlemen, they are so honorable. And so, let’s start this celebration that we’ve been waiting
Narrator: And the program begins.
Emcee: At this juncture, the students are requested to form a circle at the dancefloor as we all
witness the highlight of this event.
Hugo: This is it! This is it!
Narrator: So, the students gathered at the dancefloor. They are all excited to dance and know
their date of the night. The girls form a circle as the boys follow. Then the music plays and the
students are dancing.
On the other hand, Sapphire Coleman dances gracefully without knowing that somebody got a
crush on her and wants to be her date of the night.
Meanwhile, Hugo and Axel are talking while enjoying the music.
Hugo: I know her very well, I can even recognize her sweet and fragrant smell.
Axel: Oh, Hugo, stop dreaming. (while shaking his head)
Then the music stops.
Axel: Hello there, beautiful. (smiles)
Sapphire is surprised as the man in front of her talked and that man is her long-time crush, Axel
Sapphire: A-axel? (Then surprisingly stared at him) It’s you…
Axel: Yes, I am. You recognized me?
Sapphire: Of course. (smiles)
Axel: May I know your name-- (cuts off by the emcee)
Emcee: Okay, so, thank you everyone for that amazing dance performance. Since everybody is
settled, may I request all the boys to assist their dates to their assigned seats.
Axel: Beautiful, let’s take a sit over there. (then offers his hand to Sapphire and points at their
assigned seat)
Sapphire: Sure.
Narrator: Then they both sat at their seats.
Axel: Would you mind knowing your name please?
Sapphire: Saph. (smiles)
Axel: Saph. Such a beautiful name, maybe as beautiful as you, isn’t it?
Sapphire: You’re such a playboy, you know?
Axel: No, I’m not…Am just telling the truth.
Sapphire: No, you’re not. You’re flattering me. But, whatever….What if let’s eat now. I know
we’re both hungry.
Axel: Yeah, sure. Just on time the food is already here and it looks like very delicious.
Narrator: And they started eating and enjoy the yummy food served.
Narrator: After eating, they talk about their life experiences, and they found out that they have a
lot in common. As they’re enjoying with each other, the MC announces……
MC: Before the night ends, let’s do the last dance performance for us to know who will be the
Prom King and Queen of the night.. Isn’t it exciting?
Audience: Y E S
Narrator: And the dance floor became very crowded as the students were dancing very well.
Axel: You what, Sapph? I really enjoyed the night because of you. Thank you for being my date
for tonight.
Saph: Oh! You’re flattering me again. But, thank you for your company and for giving me the
chance to be with my secret crush..and that is you, Axel. I know it’s a shameful thing for me to
confess my feelings for you but that’s the truth.
Narrator: Suddenly, somebody taps at Axel’s shoulder.
Hugo: What? Did I just hear it right? You have a crush on Axel, Sapphire?
Axel: ( was surprised after knowing that his date was Hugo’s ultimate crush) You mean
Sapphire and Saph are one? (then looks at the two)
Hugo: (sighs) You’re so lucky to have Sapphire as your date, Axel. Thus, she even has a crush
on you.
Axel: Oh, is it true, Saph?
Sapphire: (nods her head)
Hugo: (is so sad)
Axel: (turns to Hugo) I’m sorry, bud. I didn’t know it that Saph has feelings for me.
Hugo: It’s okay, bud. I know it hurts but I don’t have the right to get mad at you or (turns to
Saph) even to Saph. (bows down his head)
Sapphire: What? What do you mean?
Hugo: (slowly heads up) I have something to tell you, Sapphire. I like you—no, I love you
Sapphire: What? Hugo… I don’t know what to say. But I’m sorry to tell you, I already like
someone. (then glances at Axel)
Hugo: I understand. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy too. That’s how much I love you.
Axel: Hugo, I am very sorry.
Narrator: Then the emcee requested the students to take off their masks.
Hugo: It’s okay. You’re indeed lucky, huh? (then takes off his mask. Tears showing)
Sapphire: Oh, God, Hugo, you’re crying. (then tries to go towards Hugo)
Hugo: Don’t. It’s okay. I’m okay. Don’t mind me, I might fall deeper for you.
Axel: (bows his head down then afterwards, heads up) Bud? I’m sorry to tell this but… (then
gazes at Sapphire, who’s also watching him)
Hugo: Hmm? What is it?
Axel: I think I like Sapphire already. (then turns to Hugo)
Hugo: (smiles sadly) I’m happy for you two. Excuse me. (then exits)
Sapphire: (sighs) I feel sorry for Hugo. (then turns to Axel)
Axel: Same here. But that’s the truth. We can’t do anything about it anymore. (sighs)
Sapphire: W-what? Really, Axel? What you said is true? You like me too? (then smiles widely)
Axel: I guess he’s right. You are beautiful inside and out, so it’s not difficult to fall for you.
Sapphire: Please don’t say that, I might believe it.
Axel: So, be it! Because it’s true. I like you, Sapphire..Please allow me to feel this way, Okay?
Sapphire: Sure, coz I like you too, Axel.
Axel: Thank you, Sapphire.
(And they hugged to each other)

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