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Describe: Huawei’s vision is to create a digital and tech savvy population where everyday
life, be it home or organizations is solely dependent on technology. Huawei also aims to
achieve absolute modern progression and to create a world without technological divide
regardless of gender, race or age. To connect every aspect of daily living and to introduce
and incorporate the functionality of Artificial Intelligence in operations.

Analyse: Huawei is committed to forming an intelligent and connected society. They stand
firm on the belief that the fundamental basis of connectivity is a basic right for all people to
access. Huawei promises the advancement of this development by focusing on several key
areas. For instance, by providing a pervasive intelligence to push the business forward,
building digital platforms to enable a more agile, efficient and vibrant growth for industries
and organizations, delivering a personalized experience and enabling the full potential of
every person to be realized.

Evaluate: Several key features that we can evaluate and deem beneficial is the fact that
Huawei thrives to ensure the advancement and incorporation of modern day technology in
everyday life. Technology today is undeniably a synonymous dingus to the birth of a
successful and thriving nation. With the aid of digital incorporations, learning opportunities
can also be advanced. For instance, any individual with proper access to the internet can
obtain various information on almost everything over the web. Lets say, if a lecturer is
unable to carry out a face-to-face lesson with their students due to unavoidable reasons, the
use of digital tech enables them to deliver lessons virtually or online from anywhere in the
globe, with the presence of internet access. By utilizing digital technology in everyday living,
machines of significant purposes can be created to carry out mass production of aplliances
at factories be it food, kitchen tools etc. Unlike humans, machines are known to have higher
standards of safety and are more consistent. On the bright side, it also braeks workers from
the chain of having to do boring and repetitive tasks enabling them to venture into more
interesting jobs. Therefore, by realizing the vision of Huawei, it aids greatly in the
development of a country. However, for every gain, there is always a loss. The downside to
incorporating a digital nation is that it poses a greater vulnerability towards cyber-related
crimes. By sanctioning data and information exchanges via digital forms, the private and
confidential contrivances of individuals are at a risk of being peeked and hacked by cyber
criminals. It also reduces the job opportunities for laborers whose jobs are displaced by
modern day machinery.
Describe: Huawei’s image in the perspective of the world is divided to various opinions
where the good and the bad outweighs each other. Although Huawei was established in
1988, the growth boom only sparked in the early 90’s with its first mpobile phone production
kickstarting in 2003. Currently, Huawei has been widely regarded as a developed and
significant brand who’s business has outgrown its own vicinity and has spanned worldwide.
Being the world’s third biggest smartphone producers, critics pose a significant impact on
the growth of Huawei as a company and as a technological pioneer in both Asia and the

Analyse: Huawei is committed to putting its brands name on the world list as one of the
worlds best technological provider to all communities. Starting off as one of the pioneer of
technological devices in China, its business has spanned worldwide over the years by
providing smartphones that, at its price point, are at par with other companies like
Samsung, Apple and others. In terms of opinions however, the stereotype towards Asian
products in the Western Market still looms great around companies like Huawei where
westerners are still rather skeptical about the products quality and security.

Evaluate: Based on various articles, it can be said that Huawei has received various amounts
of criticsm. Personally, as an avid Apple user myself, there is a common seed of thought
where ‘Androids’ in general are not exclusive and security-secure in a sense that Androids
are more prone to viruses and glitches. Recently, an article on Pocket-lint by Dan Grabham
described the fall out and dispute between Huawei and Google has caused tumultuous
drama and questions towards the viability of Huawei apps. Google blocked Huawei from
certain updates to the Android operating system raising a big question mark within the
Huawei users whether or not can they still access important applications on their Huawei
devices. Another form of setbacks that Huawei has faced is cybersecurity risks. According to
an article on Endgadget by Richard Lai, Huawei’s founder, Ren Zhengfei, was allegedly
accused of conspiring with the Chinese government to spy over their device users personal
infos. In the modern day world, such allegations are rather synonymous even towards other
companies and like so many others, Huawei has denied such allegations. Besides that,
Huawei has also undergone predicaments like deceptive marketing. On a promotional ad for
the Huawei P9 model, Huawei encouraged users to post photos using their own P9’s. The
promotional photo posted by Huawei however was identified to be taken using a DSLR
camera instead of their own P9 model causing quite an uproar amongst the digital
community in its misleading advertising of its products.

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