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Vasectomy Contraseption

1. Annisatul Arum P. 1130016028
2. Diana Safitri 1130016037
3. Arnis Rosita S. 1130016038
4. Denis Kristina A. 1130016052
5. Ficky Erika D. 1130016063

1. Definition
Vasectomy is cutting and close vas devefens who distributes the sperm out
of the testes production center. Vasectomy is identical to the men with the
surgery proces family planning. Simple to out the tubes that carry sperm from
the testes to the penis.

2. Weakness vasectomy
Vasectomy has saveral advantages, among others:
a. The technique of small simple operation can be done anytime and anywhere
b. Complications encountered little and light
c. The result obtained are nearly 100%
d. The cost is cheap and affordable by the community
e. When married couple, because of one reason, want to get a descent again,
both ends of the vas deverens can in the back
f. Not cause pshycological abnormalities but only a pshycological
g. Does not interfere with sexual activity
h. Can be done in a policlinics

3. Strength vasectomy
a. The new men in a vasectomy indiredly become sterile, because in proximal
channels vas deferens and seminal vesika still in there are dozens even
hundreds of millions of sperm. Therefore when the home was given is
condoms, that must be use at every intercourse.
b. The men must be steril or infertile 10-15 times ussually after ejaculation, this
should be proven with an examinatiion of the sperm analysis.
c. Because his name is still an act of surgary, then the men still feel afraid.
d. Although in principle it can be spiced back, but it still needed a lot of trained
personal to do it

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