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Oscar Andrés Salazar Meneses ID 666211

Heidy Yahayra Ayala Puerto ID 655926


Claudia Marcela Jiménez Gordillo

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

English III


1. On which day of the week were both presidents killed?

The presidents were shot on a friday vs both presidents were shot in the head on a

2. Who killed Kennedy?

Lee Harvey Oswald was the one who murdered Kennedy vs. Kennedy was killed by
Lee Harwey.

3. What was the name of the president that succeeded both Kennedy and

Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson succeeded Lincoln and Kennedy vs. Lincoln was
succeeded by Andrew and Kennedy by Lydon

4. Where was lincoln a week before his death?

5. Who was born in 1908?

In 1908 Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson were born vs. the two successors of
Lincoln and Kennedy were born in 1908

6. When was kennedy elected?

Kennedy was elected in 1960 vs. 1960 They elected President Kennedy

7. Where was lincoln shot?

Lincoln was shot in the ford theater vs at the ford lincoln theater was killed

8. What issue were both presidents involved with?

Lincoln and kennedy were involved in civil rights and both were particularly concerned
about civil rights

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