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One Source that I found while researching out articles and studies on the poverty

in Peru, was the article “Peru Poverty Rate Rises for First Time in 16 Years,” by Teresa

Cespedes and Mitra Taj. A short article briefly describing the slow poverty increase

Lima, Peru has begun to experience back in 2018.

I enjoy this article due to its simplistic and straight-forward approach on the

concerned topic. In the short article they focused on the topic of poverty increase while

serving data and statistics to inform the audience. For me personally, I don't enjoy

reading a news article fluffed with time-wasting description and large vocabulary, which

could directly relate to my lack of book-smarts.

However, I would like to emulate this structure of the article in my project. As it

displays a sense of confidence in the author’s interpretation of their intended audience.

When reading the article there is no demeaning tone or voice as so many modern news

articles host. The authors trust in their audience to come with the current knowledge

required to understand this article. As my english teacher last year taught us, “If you do

not enjoy a book, it’s not the books fault. It is yours, the book is simply saying, come

back after you’ve grown and learned, then will you enjoy it.” This same statement could

be used to describe this article stating that it's not for everyone, but that’s not the article's


I could include this into my project by giving small snippets of data and statistics

I find throughout my current research. A simple paragraph with small amounts of

backstory accompanied with that data from a viable source, concluded with a personal

interpretation of said data.

Works Cited:

Cespedes, T., & Taj, M. (2018, April 24). Peru poverty rate rises for first time in 16 years:
government. Retrieved from

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