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My first interpretation of this map was further assurance that my issue is factual

and scientifically accurate. The number one thing that caught me off guard regarding
this map was how unproportionate it is compared to my own imagination. When I
thought of Peru, I expected the majority to be in dramatic poverty. I now understand that
this was only due to my personal experiences, and I was judging a book based on its
cover. When in fact my original impression was off and there is a decent variety of
wealth income inside Peru.
The goal of this map is to sway readers opinions to align with my own concerning
this issue. Providing specific research concerning the “Deprivation in Standard of Living”
shows a direct correlation to levels of poverty. According to, a website
focusing on business and economic growth, the standard living of a nation is
determined by that country's GDP, gross domestic product, divided by population. With
a lower level of income and higher rate of poverty the opportunity for that country to
produce domestic goods and services are dramatically lower, hence creating a lower
level of standard living. I believe this map can be extremely helpful in creating my
argument as to how poverty levels in third world countries, such as Peru, are rising. I
know that by showing this to my intended audience I will see an increase in support.
Just as I was misunderstanding the levels of poverty, it is reasonable to expect the
same from others within my intended audience. This is due to our sheltered lifestyles
and being blinded to the outside world.
This is an eye-opening map to help distinguish what areas and regions of Peru
truly need help. It has also helped me to bring a solid scientific backbone within my
social issue that will further help bring support from my intended audience.

Works Cited:

Amadeo, K. (2020, February 15). Where's the Best Standard of Living? Depends Who You Ask.
Retrieved from

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