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Write down 15 sentences using multiword verbs from the unit 4 and

5 and you can use the multiword from the link I am adding here too.

1.- Don't give up, you will learn to ride a bike, but practice.
2.- I am looking forward, my wish request, are bracelets and
3.- I will cut down my amount of food per day.
4.- I want to take up my homework today, but i feel tired.
5.- I need to look after my body and my feeding if I want to
win that medal.
6.- My friends came over for homework tomorrow.
7.- Mi father figured out the secret of grandmother.
8.- All my family getting along, when we have dinner together.
9.- I picked up some balls of tennis, because my teacher my
punished me.
10.- This is a special occasion that we must think over
what can we cook?
11.- I pick out in my team to Valery, because she is good
12.- My fish passed away in the evening, when i was sleeping
in house of my sister.
13.- When I was a child, my mom gives away the secret that
Santa Claus doesn´t exist.
14.- All my clothes add up to more than thousand dollars.
15.- Yesterday I find out where were mis cats.

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