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Devan Moore


Humanitarian - An adjective describing one who looks for the welfare and
betterment of human life.

“Someone very generous, and dedicated to the healing of the world. Or, if you want, someone
who gives a shit about the planet” (Urban Dictionary).


Service - The act of helping someone with no expectation of a reward.

“To have sex with a female” (Urban dictionary). Obviously not the correct definition, not to
include, completely immature and irresponsible.


Volunteer - An individual who does something because they want to. They
have the correct state of mind, wanting to help other people for their benefit, not
their own. To not be selfish.

“To perform or offer to perform a service of one's own free will. This action can be with or
without compensation” (Urban Dictionary).


Poverty - When an individual or group of people struggle to gain necessary

resources due to economic or political influences, whether in their control or not.

“Living without or struggling to pay for basic essentials required to live, ie; food, clothes, water,
housing or health care” (Urban Dictionary).

Third World - Countries within the world that lack many necessary resources
and struggle significantly with economic growth. These often stem from political
downfalls and misleadership.

“Derived from a time when the communist states were referred to as the second world, the third
world is the less economically developed countries that hugely rely on richer countries” (Urban

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